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Funeral For Wendi

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This gofundme is for Wendi Schleppenbach, a mother of 15 children who was recently diagnosed in September 2016 with high grade endocrine carcinoma, an aggressive fast growing cancer usually found in the lungs of people who smoke. The tumor was 8.5 inches when the doctors first discovered it. The doctors were surprised that it had gone unnoticed during her recent pregnancy and c-section in May of 2016. The doctors were also surprised by the fact that she has never smoked and that the tumor is in her abdomen.
Since the diagnosis our mom has gone through two rounds of chemo therapy, several procedures, and is now on dialysis, none of which have had any effect on the tumor. It has spread to several major organs such as her stomach, colon, and pancreas. Our mom has had difficulty breathing since the tumor secretes large amounts of fluid which resulted in various ICU stays and several instances where she has had to be placed on a ventilator. Our mom has since been moved to the Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center in Indianapolis to manage the rest of her care.
It has been hard on the entire family and her spouse. Both Wendi and her husband Dave are 44 years old. Wendi has been blind since birth. Their children's ages range from 24 years to 7 months. There are 10 girls and 5 boys in the family. The homeschooling and household schedule has been thrown off its tracks and the younger children miss their mom a lot since they don't understand why our mom cannot come home.
Prayers, donations, thoughts, and well wishes are greatly appreciated during this trial. Because of various complicated reasons our mom does not have life insurance. We greatly appreciate any and all assistance to help with funeral expenses since the doctors have run out of treatment options and there is not much else they can do for her.


  • Anónimo
    • 15 $
    • 8 años


Sara Kai Schleppenbach
Lafayette, IN

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