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Giving up chocolate for slings

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So, you may or may not have seen that my friend Jen and I have recently won a competition to start up a mobile sling library - enabling us to reach families who may not ordinarily have access to hiring wraps and carriers. Fortunately we've managed to get Gina on board with our venture to which is wonderful! As part of the competition we've won some wraps, however, we know that a wide variety of library items means we can offer a good selection. In order to add to our collection we need to raise funds!

Those of you who know me, know I LOVE chocolate. So, as I've got a pretty significant addiction I thought why not give it up for a month (bar my protein shakes cos let's face it they taste rank otherwise and I've gotta use them up!).

I pledge to eat no chocolate from 1 October - 1 November. If you want to support my pledge, be it big or small it would REALLY keep me on track. This will be harder than training for a half marathon!!!!!

Jen recently came on board and decided to give up tea. Despite drinking a decaf version, psychologically she feels less tired after drinking tea!!! With two small people to run around after she's often busy playing dinosaurs or creating sensory play (her imagination is like no ones I've met before - kudos to her!!). Tea is certainly my go to and I know how hard the struggle would be to give this up! But, we are both doing this for the greater good!!!

All your support is so warmly welcomed and appreciated!

Thanks xx


Charlotte Brock
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