Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Scallywags Pre-school

Scallywags preschool has been running for over 40 years in the heart of Halwill Junction. It is run by a volunteer management committee, and relies heavily on donations from fundraising events that are organised throughout the year. Unfortunately due to COVID 19 we have had to either cancel or postpone most of these events, therefore we are appealing for support. Please donate any amount, big or small, to help towards the cost of providing the preschool with resources  and activities, and we look forward to being able to all meet and fundraise together soon.

Spendenteam (4)

Elle Walpole
Gillian Bray
Team member
Ailie Wilson
Team member
Rebecca Potter
Team member

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt