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ZiliDlo Clean Water Renewable Power

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Update: Zili Dlo Hurricane Matthew Relief Activities

This is Èzili Dantò of Zili Dlo Clean Water and Renewable Power. We are a 501C3 charitable organization that runs Zili Dlo and other humanitarian relief projects for Haiti.

It's another difficult Haiti moment. To meet the immediate crisis needs of the Hurricane Matthew victims, our Zili Dlo Clean Water Renewable Power project in Haiti will help the Hurricane Matthew victims with clean water, power, food, medicine and help a few families put back the roof on homes that are recoverable.

The Southwestern parts of Haiti was devastated. It's heartbreaking as more and more information come to light. Hurricane Matthew death toll has surpassed 1,000 people. There is widespread catastrophic damage to crops, livestock, roads, bridges, businesses and homes. The crops of Haiti’s southern coast have been wiped out and there are warnings of famine. Officials estimates at least 1.4 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance following the disaster and 2.1 million Haitians--more than 20 percent of the country’s population--are affected. 90% of the homes in the Southwestern areas are destroyed or damaged. Mudslides and flooding make roads impassable. Phone and road communication are mostly cut off for the South. Cholera cases are again on the rise. The Southern parts hit the worst are Jeremie, Les Cayes, Port Salut and Camp Coq at Ile A Vache. But there is flooding throughout Haiti caused by the heavy rains. Clean filtered water is life and health for Haiti.

Donate to support Zili Dlo Hurricane Matthew Relief activities. The funds will be immediately used to assist victims in need of clean water, power, food, and medicine . (See list of medicine needed below that we need. Go to our website and write us if you can help us with the urgently needed medicines.)

Funds donated are tax-deductable and go to the Ezili Network, Inc for Zili Dlo Clean Water Renewable Power Matthews victims.

Support local Haiti-led institutions on the ground such as Zili Dlo, in order to gain their input on the actual needs of the affected communities. It is imperative not to contribute to the destruction of local institutions by bypassing or undermining them.


Zili Dlo LIST OF MEDICAL NEEDS For Hurricane Matthew Victims

The following medicines and medical supplies are urgently needed for the storm victims in Haiti. If you have access and are in Haiti, we need the listed supplies. If not, as we assess how to best deploy help, the most efficient way to contribute is to make a financial donation here to Zili Dlo.

- Donate to Zili Dlo to help provide Clean Water
Under normal circumstances for a  $200 donation, Zili Dlo can lease a truck to deliver 3,000 gallons of clean filtered water. But we don't yet know the extent of the damage. That figure is during normal times.

If you're a Haitian doctor or work in a hospital or are a nurse with access to medication, there will be a need for:
- Purification units

- Rehydration salts

- Anti-diarrhea

- Anti-decongestants

- Antipyretics (to lower fever)

- Malaria medicine

- Typhoid medicine

- Hygienic Kits

- Antibiotics

- Anti-allergy medication

- Anti-parasite medication

- Skin treatments: antibacterial & anti-fungus (Mycology) ointments, powders, lotions, creams

- Pain relievers: Tylenol, aspirin, ect
- Eye drops, saline solution

- vitamins

- Insect (Mosquito) Repellent

- Sterile and anti septic materials

- Disinfectants: alcohol, ointments, hydrogen peroxide

- Soaps, Detergents

- Chlorine bleach
- Bedding (blankets, sheets, sleeping bags, tarps, tents, plastic sheeting and cots & folding beds)

- Tarpaulin – of any size, preferably 10X10 or larger. It is used for both roofing and flooring, and

Medical clinics accessories and materials: Disposal syringes, needles,
bandages, sterile as well as regular gloves, betadine, gauze, tape, cotton balls, pads, topical wound care stuff (silvadene, bacitracin or Neosporin etc. ointments, xeroform, etc.)
-Skin-graft equipments (dermatome, blades, mesher)
-Sterilizing equipments, cauterizing equipments
-staples, staple removers, sutures (all sizes and types… Nylon (ethilon) 2-0 3-0 4-0 … Vicryl 2-0 3-0 4-0 0-vicrly… Chromic 3-0 4-0 2-0; Prolene 6-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 etc. instruments, (trays, plastic tray)

- Sterile as well as regular Gloves

- Antibiotics… cephalosporins, cillins, cleocin, etc.

- local anesthetics

- Fiberglass splint materials… casts and cast cutter tools.

- IV fluids, IV lines, tapes

- Chest tubes and drainage system (try red cross or US govt team)

FOODS DONATIONS REQUESTED:  Instead of sending food and dry goods, it's best to find a local Haiti cooperative like the one that used to be run by father Armand Franklin in the Artibonite area and support Haiti farming cooperatives like this to provide food to the areas most affected. We will update with a location to support in Haiti soon.

PERSONAL HYGIENE GOODS: Toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant, sanitary napkins, soap, disposable diapers, new hand towels and brand new underwear - adult (small & med.) and children sizes.

OTHER ITEMS: Tea Light candles & quality batteries (AA & D). Flashlights, lanterns with batteries. NO USED CLOTHING, please.

Original fundraising description:

Hello Folks, my name is Èzili Dantò.

I am a human rights lawyer with over 25 years of Haiti experience.

I was born in Haiti, raised in the US. The Ezili Team that I lead is a Haiti-led, Haiti-capacity building grassroots organization. Our team created the award winning renewable energy project that’s called “Zili Dlo,” to provide 21st century modernization for Haiti as well as relief that is environmentally safe and clean

Only 50% of the population in Haiti has access to clean
water and less than 25% have access to electricity. We have an ongoing campaign to raise monies to increase our clean water and But we're updating this due to the Matthews Hurricane.

The worst cholera epidemic in the world hit Haiti in 2010, in addition to the earthquake.

Zili Dlo is the solution. It’s life, health, healing with dignity and self-reliance.

It’s solar powered water filtration, solar powered electricity and (if we get funding) solar powered clean electrical transport for more distribution to our offsite water kiosk.

We work in partnership with Haiti families, to transfer skills  that demystify green power. We’re also unique in that we were the very first to bring illiterate market women from Haiti to India to become solar engineers and return to solar electrify their rural villages. With more funding, we would establish a local school that provides this education right in Haiti for solar mothers to run our solar girds and create more energy centers. We’ll increase our on-site and off-site water distribution to reach and institutionalize Zili Dlo at more villages and urban areas in Haiti. We’re high tech, culturally indigenous, clean water, electricity and green jobs for Haitians.

Thank you for your donations, we can't do this without your support! Your donation allows us to maximize our current water distribution and build the infrastructure to institutionalize the Zili Dlo Haiti self-reliance and self-sufficiency model all over Haiti.




  • ernsy colas
    • 100 $
    • 7 años


Ezili Dantò
New York, NY

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