Patty Needs a Hand
I've known Patty since 7th grade, and have a feeling that most of the friends she has have known her for at least a decade. That's how she is. She's always there for you, no matter how much time has passed. She is one of the most generous, giving, and sweet people I've ever met. She was the first friend to show up after my daughter was born, and has helped quite a few children grow up, in spite of the fact that she learned early in life that she would not be having children herself. She never flinched, she just pitched in and loved other kids. When her best friend got sick, Patty took care of her. REALLY took care of her. The drainage tubes, the long, scary nights, the whole mess... Patty was there while still working fulltime.
Then Patty's husband Mark got sick. it's been about 10 years since Lyme disease left him disabled. Never a word of negativity from Patty, she just worked harder.
Then Patty got breast cancer. Right about when treatment was complete for that, she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. She's in treatment for that, and continues to work, even though she is in a lot of pain sometimes, and very tired.
Last week, she found Mark unresponsive when she woke up in the morning. He's been in the hospital on a respirator since then, and it is a very frightening time. It is unclear exactly what is wrong. Between the hospital and the flu going around, she missed work. Her workplace is full of flu victims this week, so being on cancer treatment, she'll miss another week's pay. Her white count is extremely low, so she can't take any chances.
So Patty could really use a hand. I think we'd all like to help, but don't think we can make a difference. Alone we probably can't, but if we all pitch in we can ease her worries and finally be there for her for a change. She's been very strong for a very long time. Let's give her a little respite.
There will be medical expenses for Mark, lost pay for time off taking care of him, and seriously - heaven only knows what. It will mean so much to Patty and to those who love her if she could just get a little break.