ASAP Blessing
Our story and campaign starts back on November 20th 2009 when are first and only daughter Meltoria Cinnamon Sopreia Williams Wade , (yes I wrote her whole name, because she loved her whole name) Meltoria pasted away, at the age of 22 years old she was married with two daughters, Cinnamon 3 and Sopreia 2 year's old. Her heart just stop one morning . Some could of thought it might have been the end of our ministry but it was only the beginning she always joked and would say, "Dad no matter how many members you get i will always be your first member" We called her "Torie" for short, she always had a heart for people she was a praise and worship leader I mean she did whatever we needed done in the ministry from painting to cleaning the ladies room, not the men's room though, lol, to choir rehearsal, all night shut ends! One of the best Tithers and Givers in the ministry we would laugh that girl would tithe off whatever came unto herc hand! That was our daughter big girl Torie! When she left we always tried to start a Center in her honor. The Meltoria Torie W. Wade foundation for young women and young wives to be Heart Healthy and Heart Happy and we started it back in 2010 but they kind of faded out, because of all the different locations never really truly just to focus on the foundation for our daughter too so with this new location and a great opportunity that we have we're going to dedicate our first building in her honor the Meltoria Torie W. Wade Foundation!
We (Pastor Melvin and I) are happy to announce, after 12 years of ministry, leasing 9 different locations, we (our church family, the Temple Of Faith) has the opportunity to purchase our own Church Building! But wait it gets even better the owners have accept our offer on September 6, 2016 of $145,000. A cash offer!
We have $130,000.
That's were the ASAP Blessing comes in to play, we need $15,000. Immediately ASAP by
September 20, 2016 is the date!
We went to our church leaders and the lay people of the church first and the saints have pledge $3600. In one day! I'm believer that God can do the miraculous and we ineed an immediately bleseing now! Now Faith is what we're looking for the scripture talks about in Hebrews 11 and 1, and believe God uses people, it would be easy if we had the money in hand, but it helps us to stretch faith and work and help others in time in need!
So we're stepping out on faith believing that the people will catch the vision hoping that the need will be met by September 20th