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Dash's CCL Surgery

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Hi!  I'm Dee, and this is my best friend, Dash.

Dash is a nine and a half year old chihuahua/jack russell terrier mix.  He is a rescue, though I honestly have to admit that he is the one that rescued me.  I'm not sure how I was lucky enough to have him come into my life, but the stars aligned, and he decided I was good enough to be his person. 

This charming lad is very active.  Which led to our current predicament.  You see, Dash is a jumper.  He bounces at the door, springs up and down the stairs, and flies off of furniture.  One of these adventures caused him to tear his CCL (Cranial Crucial Ligament).  The vet said it is similar to a human tearing their ACL.  Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCL) is the tearing of an important ligament in the stifle joint (knee), resulting in partial or complete joint instability, pain, and lameness. Torn ligaments retract, do not heal, and cannot be repaired completely. If the injury is not treated, damage to connective tissues and degenerative joint disease often results.  So it is imperative that we address this issue for him as soon as possible, as he is putting pressure on the opposite leg to compensate and is at risk for damaging that leg as well. 

The surgery itself costs around $2000-$2800.  The $3500 amount would help to cover the cost of the surgery as well as travel and follow up physical therapy.  Recovery time is around three months and there are a substantial amount of visits to rehabilitate the leg and make sure that everything is healing properly.  There will also have to be some adjustments made to Dash's surroundings to ensure his safety and keep him from reinjuring the leg. 

Since the other leg is at risk, time is of the essence.  I imagine any of you that may be parents would feel the same way if your child were injured and there were nothing that you could do to help them.  The account will be open for 10 days.  I am hoping to have the surgery done by then, however.   Details to follow after the initial consult with the surgeon.  

Dash is the most important thing to me in the entire world.  Without him, I would be lost.  When he hopped in my car that day at the rescue facility, it was like we were made for each other.  He is the best part of my day, and seemingly one of the only things that relieves my anxiety and helps me funtion and live normally from day to day.  We have a routine and this helps with my depression and helps me to focus on what I need to get done from day to day.  Seeing him immobile is like watching a little part of his happiness die, and mine with it.  Let's fix him up and get him back to his charming self.  

In addition, I am starting a little line to help push donations and to build a little excitement for Dash's cause.  Besides, he said he wanted to help.  I figured the best way to do it was by flashing his pearly smile across as many things as I could.  It will be called Dee is for Dash (#D4Dash).  Images will be available soon on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  

Best friends have to stick together.  And since he saved me, I need to return the favor now.  Please help me with this goal and get something rad as a thank you gift.  Dash needs to get back up on that leg.  Any additional funds raised will be donated to the Handicapped Pets Foundation ( which supplies wheelchairs to elderly and disabled pets that would not otherwise be able to afford them.  SAVE THE BEASTS!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Courtney Graham
    • 100 $
    • 8 años


Danielle Fischer
Wausau, WI

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