Donna Boyd
Fighting Cancer.
I know I am not in this fight alone...The love of family and friends is
great.I do not know what tomorrow may bring...I can only take one day at
a time. Prayers are the most powerful
thing you can share... I will beat this...I will have a good attitude
with positive thoughts always, I will surround myself around positive
family and friends.I will take nothing for granite We can do this!!
God is not finished with me yet..I hope out of this I may brighten
someone else's life and encourage them to carry on.The value of a smile,
a hug,or a kind word can travel more distance than you can believe.
Never fail to let someone know you love them.....never forget to tell
them how important to you they are...Time ticks away to fast for all of
us....let each precious moment count in a positive way. Never forget that
God is STILL in charge
Good comes to those that know the Lord. He
will not put more on us than we can bear.There is a reason for
everything, you know....we just don't know all we want to know, when we
want to know it...but God does. If you would like to donate to my cause, just choose the Donate button. I appreciate your support.