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Model goes to clown school

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I am raising money so I can afford to complete a year of clown school at Ecole Phillipe Gaulier.  Where the likes of Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter have studied. After modelling for four years, I am taking a detour to follow my passion of being silly and making people laugh.

My goal is the cost of one term at the school but any little help to be able to stay as long as possible is super appreciated.

This week only (london fashion week!) I am taking sponsors to wear silly outfits to my castings. So do your worst!

Rules are:

You have to be able to tell it is me so any weird make up must be minimal

If you can't see my body shape I need to be able to wear something underneath

If it is something I have to buy then it needs to cover the cost of the outfit

If you own a specific costume you want me to wear I need to be able to collect it.

How much you sponsor me will be a direct correlation to how embarrassed I feel.

Get creative people!! Let's see if anyone is up for it

I will be sure to document everything!


Hazel Townsend
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