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Kerschbaum family benefit

Donativo protegido
Hi, you don’t know us, but our good friend, cartoonist John Kerschbaum, and his family have had their lives disrupted by fire. The house next door burnt down and as a result, their own house is also ruined -- its rafters charred away, just about all their things lost to severe smoke and water damage, including original art and work tools. He would never ask for money, but as anybody can imagine they’re really going to need it. So we'd like to protect their privacy, but we want to raise $7500 to help them get their lives back to normal. They have some insurance, but that can take quite a while to come through. The money raised here will help them cover daily expenses, back-to-work and back-to-school costs. John needs replacement electronics to resume cartooning once he's sorted out the mess. John K. is a hardworking illustrator and comics-maker (Petey and Pussy, Cartoon Boy, insanely detailed maps for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, etc.) and an upstanding member of the community. Right now he has had to set his work aside to sort, clean, rebuild, and take care of his family -- so money will be tight. We're hoping you can help us raise enough in the next month to provide a bit of relief for John and his family and help them through a really tough time.  Even a small donation of $5 or $10 makes a difference!

Thank you,

Pat Redding Scanlon and John Arcudi


  • Zack Soto
    • 50 $
    • 8 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Pat Redding Scanlon
New York, NY
John Kerschbaum

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