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Help get The Blackalachian to Maine

Donativo protegido
Since I've began this Journey on the Appalachian Trail a few people have reached out and asked if they can help. While food would be nice, It may not be the best option due to weight and logistics as far as meeting packages in towns along the AT which could delay my journey. So I ask that if you feel it in your heart to help me continue on and reach Mt. Katahdin in Maine it would help me out immensely if you would just donate a few dollars towards the cause. I rarely ask for help but one thing the trail has taught me in these 2 weeks is to be Humble and speak up if you need a helping hand. Once again I thank everyone thus far for their amazing support and kind words!!! Love and Light!!! #TheBlackalachian


  • Christian Hennemeyer
    • 50 $
    • 6 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Logo Stg
Charlotte, NC
Daniel White

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