Reunite this Family
Saludes el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesus Cristo,
Estamos pidiendo ofrenda para la familia de Hr Moises y Hrna Daliana Guardado . El Hermano Moises estaba en un proceso para areglar su estado legal en este pais,despues de 4 años esperando el abogado que llevaba su caso les dijo que ya todo estaba listo que solo tenia que salir del país y presentarse ala embajada Americana en El Salvador para la visa y poder regresar a E.E.U.U legalmente. Lo que no le dijo es que Moises nesesitaba 2 cartas de Perdon de Immigration para q su visa fuera aprobada y el solo les habia solicitado una por lo cual era muy difficil que su visa fuera aprobada. El 30 de Enero se presentaron a la embajada y en una breve entrevista les dieron las malas noticias ,su visa era negada por falta de la segunda carta de Perdon. Al hablar con el abogado Eduardo Garcia lo q dijo fue q no habia nada q aser. Intentaron aplicar por la visa Humanitaria,ya q Daliana y sus dos hijos son cuidadanos Estadounidenses y por las conditiones medicas de sus dos hijos. Levi de 3 añitos de edad tiene necesidades especiales por tener Down Syndrome y Jacob de 2 añitos tambien padese de una condition genetica Craniosynostosis por lo cual el fue operado de su cabezita cuando tenia 4 meses de edad. Lamentablemente tambien fue negada esa application. Toda la familia Guardado vivio casi 8 meses en C.A. en ese tiempo Moises fue operado de emergencia, y los dos pequeños niños tambien se enfermaron. Por obvias rasones y todas las atencion medicas y terapias q sus hijos nesesitan les toco q aser una muy dificil decision. Regresar.
Ahora Moises está detenido por immigration y ya lleva 4 meses separado de su familia. Con el ausente a Daliana le toca q trabajar para proeever a sus hijos y a Moises ya que para poder hablar con el ,ella le tiene q pagar las llamadas, y tambien le toca estar pendiente con las citas medicas y terapias de PT ,OT y ST de sus hijos. Ahora tambien tienen la oportunidad de volver apelear un caso Migratorio pero el costo es bastante y sola Daliana no puede cubrir todo el gasto mas q no se sabe cuanto tiempo se puede demorar o cual sera el resultado. Lo q si sabemos esq para Dios no hay nada impossible y q tenemos un Dios poderoso! El Hasta aqui ayudado,fortalezido y proveido por esta familia y no los a desamparado. Ahora tambien nosotros podemos poner nuestro granito de arena,confiando q Dios es el q multiplica las bendiciones..."Sobrellevad los unos las cargas de los otro y cumplid asi la ley de Dios." Galatas 6:2. Sea Dios q les bendiga, se les agradese su collaboration.
Y respondiendo el Rey, les dirá: De cierto os digo que en cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños, a mí lo hicisteis.
Mateo 25:40
It is with a heavy yet hopeful heart that we ask for your prayers and donations for the Guardado family. Daliana Guardado had petioned for her husband Moises residency,after 4 years of waiting the attorney Eduardo Garcia notified them that they were ready to travel to El Salvador for Mr Guardado's visa interview and approval. What the attorney did NOT tell them was that Mr Guardado needed 2 waiver/pardons ,that it was very difficult to obtain a second waiver and that without both (waivers ) it was very unlikely his visa would get approved. On January 30th in a brief interview Moises' visa was denied due to him having only one waiver and the one he did have became invalid. They were devasted. Moises' wife and their two children are US citizens life for them in another country would not be easy. Also Levi 3yrs is a child with special needs,Down Syndrome, he requires a lot of medical attention and therapies to help him develop and learn to live an independent life. Jacob 2yrs also has a genetic lifelong condition Craniosynostosis for which he had cranio surgery at 4months of age and also requires medical attention and therapy . Because of the medical necessities of both children and the fact that both wife and children are US citizens they applied for a Humanitarian Visa,which was also denied. The whole Guardado family lived almost 8 months in El Salvador because they refused to be separated but life in El Salvador was not easy. Moises had an emergency operation and then both children became sick ,with funds running low and because of the medical necessities of both children they had to make an unimaginable hard decision .Return at all costs. They had tried to do everything legally but their attorney's failure at being honest and doing his job had consequences and the Guardado family is paying the price .When asked what had gone wrong his answer was,"oh you probably said something you shouldn't have and you are missing a waiver,there's nothing I can do,you have to wait 10 years in El Salvador to reapply . In all that time working the Guardado's case, not once did attorney Eduardo Garcia mention to them the risk and high possibility of Moises visa being denied because he didn't have a second waiver.
Moises Guardado's love for his family and worry for their wellbeing left him no option but to find a way to get back home to them. Now Moises is in immigration detention, its been 4 long hard and lonely months for all of them . Never had this family been separated from each other andnow they haven't seen each other for 4 months.Daliana has had to be father,mother and sole provider for all her family including her husband as she has to pay for the phone calls so that they can at least talk. Being a single mother, and working part-time so she can still be sure get her children to doctor's appointments and therapy has not been easy. Now she has another expense as she had to hire an Immigration Attorney, to fight for her husband to stay here in the US with her and their two beautiful children . She has been trying but she cannot do it alone, they don't know how long the process will take or what the results will be. We DO know that we serve an Almighty God and that for Him nothing is impossible! We have been called to bear one another's burdens therefore we ask for your prayers for this family and to share as you feel led to. Be blessed and may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.