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Chloe's Wig Fund

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I have known my best friend Chloe for over 10 years now, and the whole time that we have known each other, Chloe has been bald.

12 years ago, at the age of 7, Chloe found a small bald patch on her head and was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. As time went on, Chloe's alopecia became Totalis and she lost all of the hair on her body, including her head, eyebrows and eyelashes.

For the past 12 years, Chloe has received no financial help from any organisation in order to fund getting her a wig. I have seen first-hand the devastating effects being bald has had on Chloe's confidence and happiness, and a good, decently made wig would make all of the difference in the world to her. After an appointment with a professional wig-maker, she is looking at approximately £3726 for a professionally made wig, which is just not affordable. However, Chloe has an amazing spirit and has become extremely capable of hiding just how great an effect this has on her. Her spirit has never once faltered, and no one deserves this more than she does.

Any amount of money anyone is willing to donate to this amazing cause would be appreciated more than you could possibly understand!

Thank you xx


Naomi Hobbs

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