AnatBanielMethodLessons (for 1year)
Dear Friends,
Please help me in continuing to provide my 5 year old son Makaio Drake, with the therapy that he needs to help him overcome his disabilties. Makaio has Cerebral Palsy due to a brain injury at birth, which causes him to be handicapped and unable to walk, talk, and do basic functions of life.
Through extensive trial and error, continued research, and utmost devotion, I have found that the Anat Baniel Method is the most powerful and effective therapy approach that we have been fortunate enough to discover on Makaio's developmental, healing journey. The Anat Baniel Method is a cutting edge, science-based approach that transforms the lives of children and adults, helping them move beyond pain and limitation. By accessing the amazing powers of the brain to change itself the method helps people discover how to improve the mind and body dramatically enhancing physical, cognitive, emotional and creative performance.
I have seen powerful changes in my son's development and countless other children, as a result of these lessons. I am certain that this is the most beneficial and lucrative option for my son and other special needs children. Unfortunately, insurance does not cover these lessons and for us to continue at the rate that Makaio needs, I am seeking support in raising funds. I continue to fund raise and do everything possible so that Makaio can receive the max amount of lessons possible every month. Makaio is at a ripe age of learning and change. Now is the time for me to kick it into high gear, with Anat Baniel Method lessons, so that he can reach his full potential as a happy, more independent boy.
Thank you in advance for all the past, current, and future support that all of our loved ones provide to us. Thank you for sharing in this amazing life journey....Love you all so dearly.
Margaret, Makaio and Family.....