Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Juanita's Diner Food Truck Fire

Spende geschützt

We are asking for the community’s assistance to help out Juanita's Diner Food Truck, in the Napa parking lot, to offset unexpected expenses due to a grease fire in the food truck. Thankfully owner and Chef Juanita North is okay but the damage due to the fire is extensive. Until everything can be replaced or repaired Juanita will be out of work and this is further loss of income. She is looking at more than $10,000 in expenses. Juanita is a member of the Jupiter Farms community, who is raising her two children here, with her husband Michael who is disabled and unable to work due to his progressive MS. Juanita is a kind spirit that has hosted fund raisers for fellow neighbors in need, donated proceeds to benefits and feeds food insecure people when in need. She’s got a big heart but needs her community’s support now more than ever.

We appreciate you for any assistance you can provide!



  • Anonym
    • $20
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $20
    • 3 yrs
  • Maureen Dunne
    • $10
    • 3 yrs
  • Anna Panszczyk Panszczyk
    • $100
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 3 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jupiter Elks Lodge
Jupiter, FL
Juanita North

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