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Melrose Yard Studios Flooding Fund

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Unfortunately my brother-in-law's (Sam Holdstock) recording studio, located down Walmgate in York, has been badly affected by the recent floods. This property was never previously a flood risk and the flooding was a direct result of the decision to lift the Foss barrier. As we had no warning this made the impact even more devastating and what is more we do not yet know what will be covered by insurance. To the extent that some insurance is available this could take weeks to pay out and every day the studio is shut is a lost day's business.

Your money will be put towards having the studio professionally dried and dehumidified and replacing the flooring, skirting, damaged (very expensive) equipment, electrics, cabling, doors etc.  The money raised will be paid directly to the business so it can be used to help pay for all of this. 

I appreciate this isn't the only business that has been hit by the flooding and that many families have had to leave their homes however I am just trying to do what I can to help a family and a business that is close to my heart. This is Sam's livelihood and he has a young family to provide for including my 8 week old niece. I also know the studio is used by many people in York and the surrounding area who will want to see it back open as quickly as possible. Your donations, however small, will really make a difference.

Thank you.

Fiona Hinchey (of York)


  • Paula Ryan
    • 100 £
    • 9 años


Fiona Hinchey

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