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Marie Post Medical Bills and Memorial

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For those of you that don’t know my mama (Marie Post) she’s an amazing person and a excellent nurse. 

I can’t tell you how many times someone has came up to me just to tell me how much they love her and how good of a nurse she was to her patients, how she took amazing care of their parents or grandparents. 
Mama loved her job and loved her patient, I’ve seen her cry over one of the patients at the nursing home passing away because she spent so much time caring for them and she developed a bond with them. We’re doing this fundraiser because on December 30th mama tested positive for Covid... She seemed ok for the first week but she started getting bad the second week, she was emitted into Troy hospital and sent home 2 days later. The day after she got home my step dad had to call an ambulance because her o2 dropped and she was having difficulty breathing.

When she got to the hospital they immediately put her on oxygen and sedated her. 

The day she was sedated her condition got even worse and we found out she developed COVID pneumonia and they had to do an emergency tracheostomy to put her on a ventilator because her airways were so inflamed they couldn’t get the tube down her throat. 

On January the 17th Mama was Life Flighted to UAB and she was in such bad shape we didn’t even thing she’d make it there
When she got there they immediately took her in and did the procedure to get her hooked to the ECMO machine, which bypasses her heart and lungs to put oxygen in her blood, they had to redo the trachea to do so. 

She was put on continuous dialysis due to her kidneys shutting down and she was put on an insulin drip... She’s still at UAB and in the 3 weeks she’s been there she’s been making baby steps improvements but we’re still looking at atleast another 3 months of recovery and once she does get well enough to come home she’ll have to have physical therapy to relearn how to walk due to her laying in a bed so long and losing her muscle mass. 

She is finally negative for Covid after having it for little over a month but the next big issue is trying to get rid of the pneumonia so they can successfully wake her up without her having panic attacks. 

The few times they have tried to wake her up she has panic attacks due to the all the fluid in her lungs and it’s causing her to have a drowning sensation. 

When she has the panic attacks her o2 drops and her blood pressure skyrockets so they have to put her back under heavy sedation. 

I’m wanting to raise the money to help with her medical bills, her insurance is going to cover 70% but the hospital told us that her medical bills will be over 1 million dollars and that’s still $300,000 her and my step dad will have to pay and that’s still not counting their regular bills too. 

I just want to do something to help so that they won’t have to worry about it when she gets home so they can focus more on her recovery. It’s so heartbreaking to see her like this, Mama didn’t have any health issues at all for this and now she’s fighting for her life. 

I’m scared they’ll end up having to file bankruptcy and lose their house and that’s not something they need to worry about. My step dads still now back at work due to him still having complications from Covid, he’s negative but he can’t even walk to the mailbox without running out of breath and his heart racing so he’s going the 18th for a CT Scan and echocardiogram to see what’s going on. 

I know we probably won’t raise as much as everything is going to cost which is why I’m setting a low goal but anything helps and I just want my mama home, happy and healthy again. 

I also want the thank everyone for the phone call, text and prayers. It means alot to us and know it would mean the world to mama knowing so many people are praying for her to pull through this.


Sydni Dickey
Glenwood, AL
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