Kane's Emergency Surgery Bill
Donation protected
Hi, My name is Carol Clark. I am the lucky owner of a wonderful dog named Baxter Kane. I love Kane and can't imagine my life without him since he came to be part of my family two years ago. He came into my home as a foster dog, but it soon became apparent that he needed me for the long haul.
Kane ate a piece of plastic that caused a complete obstruction in his intestines. He would have died without surgery. Upon finding him on the floor unmoving, I took him to Craven Animal Hospital. They stated that due to his extreme fear, they could not get an x-ray done and sent us on our way with a bill for $95.00. We then went to Pamlico Animal Hospital where he received x-rays and a referral to Animal Emergency Clinic of Cary as the vet believed he had a blockage. The cost at Pamlico Animal Hospital was $396.00. When we arrived at Animal Emergency Clinic of Cary, I had to pay $1,700.00 for them to begin the surgery that involved an incision in his stomach and another in his intestines. The remainder of the bill at Animal Emergency Clinic of Cary was $911.10.
Due to my own medical bills, I have used up all of my resourcesincluding my pay and savings. I begged the loan officer at Wells-Fargo for the money to save Kane. She advanced me the money through my home equity loan, but Wells-Fargo now wants immediate payback of the $3,100.00 that they loaned me to pay for his surgery as that exceeds the amount of my home equity.
I do not have the ability to pay Wells-Fargo that amount currently and would appreciate any help that you are willing to give to help me pay this $3,100. Kane has now recovered and is happy and healthy. Now we need to keep a roof over our heads by paying back the costs of Kane's care to Wells Fargo.
Please accept our thanks if you are able and willing to contribute. I wish you many joys and blessings for your consideration of this request.
Kane ate a piece of plastic that caused a complete obstruction in his intestines. He would have died without surgery. Upon finding him on the floor unmoving, I took him to Craven Animal Hospital. They stated that due to his extreme fear, they could not get an x-ray done and sent us on our way with a bill for $95.00. We then went to Pamlico Animal Hospital where he received x-rays and a referral to Animal Emergency Clinic of Cary as the vet believed he had a blockage. The cost at Pamlico Animal Hospital was $396.00. When we arrived at Animal Emergency Clinic of Cary, I had to pay $1,700.00 for them to begin the surgery that involved an incision in his stomach and another in his intestines. The remainder of the bill at Animal Emergency Clinic of Cary was $911.10.
Due to my own medical bills, I have used up all of my resourcesincluding my pay and savings. I begged the loan officer at Wells-Fargo for the money to save Kane. She advanced me the money through my home equity loan, but Wells-Fargo now wants immediate payback of the $3,100.00 that they loaned me to pay for his surgery as that exceeds the amount of my home equity.
I do not have the ability to pay Wells-Fargo that amount currently and would appreciate any help that you are willing to give to help me pay this $3,100. Kane has now recovered and is happy and healthy. Now we need to keep a roof over our heads by paying back the costs of Kane's care to Wells Fargo.
Please accept our thanks if you are able and willing to contribute. I wish you many joys and blessings for your consideration of this request.
Carol Clark
New Bern, NC