Natalia Nevarez Medical Expenses
Donation protected
Natalia Nevárez es hija, amiga, hermana, tía y sobretodo una mujer de amor. Todos los que hemos tenido el placer de conocerla hemos sido testigos de su generosidad, fé, humildad y cariño sin condiciones. Estudió periodismo lo cual ha sido su gran pasión y a pesar de las adversidades decidió mudarse a Orlando para buscar nuevas oportunidades de empleo. Hemos presenciado de su esfuerzo y perseverancia. El pasado 2 de junio fué intervenida por presentar un diagnóstico de meningioma. Es un tumor benigno ubicado en el cerebro. Este tumor apareció por primera vez a los 18 años. Ha sido operada 3 veces haciendo craneotomía. Ahora reaparece y su cirujano, Dr. Fields recomendó se removiera entrando por las fosas nasales. Debía ser una cirugía de al menos,6 horas y probablemente 5 a 6 días en el hospital. Pero no resultó así. La cirugía fue difícil para el médico y reconoció estuvo complicada. Los 2 a 3 primeros días fue evolucionando conforme a lo esperado. Luego cambió el panorama: convulsiones, fiebre, meningitis, diabetes insípida, transfusiones de sangre,punción lumbar y probabilidades de compromiso renal. Nos indican su recuperación puede tomar semanas o meses. Su seguro médico paga parte de los gastos, pero cada especialista factura aparte. Estos son: endocrinólogo, ENT, neurocirujano, neumólogo, terapista respiratorio, especialista en casos críticos y nefrólogo. Por esto nos unimos a sus padres para pedir su ayuda en cubrir los gastos médicos de Natalia. Ellos han dado el todo por su hija, ahora nos toca a nosotros. Cualquier aportación será apreciada. Gracias!
Natalia Nevarez is a daughter, friend, sister, aunt and especially a woman of love. All those who have had the pleasure of meeting her have been witnesses of her generosity, faith, humility and love . She studied journalism which has been her passion and despite the adversities decided to move to Orlando to find new employment opportunities. We have witnessed her efforts and perseverance. On June 2 she was operated after a diagnosis of meningioma. It is a benign tumor located in the brain. This tumor first appeared at the age of 18. She has been operated 3 times by craniotomy. Now it reappeared and her surgeon, Dr. Fields recommended the removal by entering the nostrils. Surgery should be at least 6 hours and probably five to six days in the hospital. But it was not so. The surgery was difficult for doctors and they admitted was complicated. The 2-3 first days evolved as expected. Then the landscape changed: seizures, fever, meningitis, diabetes insipidus, blood transfusions, lumbar puncture and chances of kidney failure. We have been informedthat recovery can take weeks or months. Her health insurance pays part of the costs, but each specialist bill's seperately. These are: endocrinologist, ENT, neurologist, pulmonologist, respiratory therapist, specialist and nephrologist. That is why we are joining her loving parents to ask for help in covering Natalia's medical expenses. They have given their all for their daughter, now it is up to us. Any contribution will be appreciated. Thank You!
Natalia Nevarez is a daughter, friend, sister, aunt and especially a woman of love. All those who have had the pleasure of meeting her have been witnesses of her generosity, faith, humility and love . She studied journalism which has been her passion and despite the adversities decided to move to Orlando to find new employment opportunities. We have witnessed her efforts and perseverance. On June 2 she was operated after a diagnosis of meningioma. It is a benign tumor located in the brain. This tumor first appeared at the age of 18. She has been operated 3 times by craniotomy. Now it reappeared and her surgeon, Dr. Fields recommended the removal by entering the nostrils. Surgery should be at least 6 hours and probably five to six days in the hospital. But it was not so. The surgery was difficult for doctors and they admitted was complicated. The 2-3 first days evolved as expected. Then the landscape changed: seizures, fever, meningitis, diabetes insipidus, blood transfusions, lumbar puncture and chances of kidney failure. We have been informedthat recovery can take weeks or months. Her health insurance pays part of the costs, but each specialist bill's seperately. These are: endocrinologist, ENT, neurologist, pulmonologist, respiratory therapist, specialist and nephrologist. That is why we are joining her loving parents to ask for help in covering Natalia's medical expenses. They have given their all for their daughter, now it is up to us. Any contribution will be appreciated. Thank You!
Organizer and beneficiary
Cristina Lo
Guaynabo, Guaynabo
Luis Nevarez