Horizons Bowl-a-Thon
The Horizons Leadership Project (Horizons) is a youth- enrichment program located in Brooklyn, New York. Horizons primarily serves young people of color whose lives continuously present them with some of the most challenging barriers to success in the nation. For many of these young people their schools are failing them, their health outcomes are startlingly dire, they are being engulfed in the school-to-prison pipeline, and increasingly they are unprepared to enter into the work force. In order to help them overcome these barriers and emerge as productive leaders in their fields of choice, Horizons focuses on five distinct areas: Academic Support & Enrichment "¢ Leadership Development "¢Health & Fitness "¢Critical Thinking "¢ Career Development.
This year my friend Chris is looking to raise money through his anual bowl-a-thon! We have been challenged to raise $1,200 a team. I know we can do it with your help!