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Restore the Zebra Murals

Donativo protegido
My name is Dan Fontes, I was born in Oakland and painted the giraffe and zebra murals beneath Oaklands 580 freeway. I've been a practicing artist for 36 years. I need the funds for oil paint supplies, assistants stipends, photography, printing final poster and a small amount for my salary.  Each of the animal figures takes two to three weeks each to restore.  Originally painted in 1984-85 they've held up well but now need complete recoating.  Hopefully they can all return by the end of Summer.   This project means everything to me.  My murals are my children.  Thank you all for any help offered!!!


  • Lee Dickholtz
    • 25 $
    • 8 años


Dan Fontes
San Rafael, CA

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