Healed people Help People
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Peace and Blessings!
My name is Mujeddid Muhammad, and I am the Founder and CEO of The Restored Citizens FAITH Foundation, an operating 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization (www.Restoredcitizen.net) FAITH is an acronym that means Facilitating Assistance In Transitional Healing. We are a service based organization that seeks to help returning citizens from incarceration rebuild their lives by providing them with stable living and learning environments that facilitate assistance in the way of the relearning of values, attitudes, behaviors, marketable skills, basic needs, and meaningful opportunities for self-sufficiency and living beyond their past. This vision is the culmination of experience, observations, conversations, and a Divine Calling to establish a model of what Restored Citizens are capable of when they are properly supported, and not held hostage to their past.
Trauma not transformed is transferred. Hurt people, hurt people. My life was a testament of this adage. At the age of 9 I was sexually abused while in the Boy Scouts over a period of several months. I grew up without a father and was often subjected to physical, emotional, and psychological abuses. I carried the dark secrets of these wounds for the next 16 years as they wreaked havoc in my life. From the age of 12-16 I was in and out of five juvenile institutions. At the age of 17 I was removed from the juvenile system and tried as an adult. At the age of 18, facing a sentence of 4-15 years, I entered one of the worse prisons in the State of Ohio at that time, Mansfield Reformatory. I served four years. The operative word here is served. Having not yet transformed my trauma, two years after my release I was convicted again, receiving a sentence of 32 years. The many months of detention as a juvenile and the initial four-year incarceration as an adult did nothing to liberate or rehabilitate me because I did not encounter anything or anyone to ignite the healing process. I was simply serving dead time and did not possess the language or understanding to communicate what was going on with me.
However, it was during the 27 years of my last incarceration that the introspective soul searching, restorative healing, character reformation, spiritual growth and development, deep remorse/accountability for my past, and a strong and abiding conviction to make a difference with my life in the lives of others began. This time I did not simply just serve time. I made time serve me.
Today, over three years following my release from incarceration, through my example and ongoing work I am unequivocally demonstrating that the traumatized and self-destructive person of my past has been redeemed. The new adage I represent today and am seeking to duplicate in others is that, Trauma transformed is healing transferred. Healed people help people.
I currently work as a Self-Sufficiency Coordinator, mentor, and life coach at IMPACT Community Action. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rpy83STje4). I am a student at Columbus State Community College nearing completion of my Associate Degree in Social Work and Human Services, and then transitioning to Ohio State University to begin my bachelor’s in social work and ultimately finish with my Masters.
I have created this Go Fund Me page to raise the start-up cost that will enable The Restored Citizens FAITH Foundation to acquire the first three residential properties that will serve as shared housing units for returning citizens from incarceration; to provide necessary renovations; to furnish properties; and, to cover the initial administrative cost of launching this endeavor.
From the depths of my heart I thank you for taking an interest in my story and our mission. Please help me bring this vision into fruition. Anything that you can give will get us closer to the goal. Thank you, and may God Bless you and multiply your generosity ten-fold.
“A man who has reformed himself will reform thousands.”
--Paramahamsa Yogananda
Mujeddid Muhammad
Reynoldsburg, OH
Restored Citizens FAITH Foundation