$1 Million to See New Ghostbusters
Hello, my name is Aaron Clarey. I'm a well-to-do bachelor and have no real needs or wants in my life.
However, I'm raising money to compensate me for the pain and suffering I'd endure if I see the new Ghostbusters movie. Not only will I review it so you don't have to see it, but if this actually gets funded it will send a very clear message to Hollywood that we're sick of politics and political correctness in our movies.
Proceeds from GoFundMe will go to pay for the movie, pay off my mortgage, buy property in South Dakota, a new fishing pole, and finance my continued selfish and hedonistic lifestyle. I will be eternally grateful for any donations you make, and you'll have the knowledge that you made me more money than the new Ghostbusters made Sony.
Thank you for your support.
Aaron Clarey