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Kaleb's Transportation to School

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I am Kaleb's mother and I am trying to raise money to buy a car to take Kaleb to/from school. Kaleb has Asperger's Syndrome (on the Autism Spectrum) and has lots of trouble dealing with his peers. While it is very improtant for him to learn to deal with others in social situations, his days are much better when he does not have to ride the school bus (too many unsupervised kids).

It would really be wonderful if I could take him to/from school but we only have one vehicle and one source of income. I don't work because it is best if Kaleb (even though he is 15) doesn't send to much time alone. His father works and uses our vehicle for that. It's 20 miles one way to where he works, so taking him to work and Kaleb to School is not an option.

Needless to say, with only one income and 3 people with extra medical expenses for Kaleb, we don't have the funds for another vehicle. Though I set a goal of $3,000, this much may not be neccessary. Anything that is in  pretty good shape and runs okay will be fine with us. Any help would be very much appreciated. Having transportation to/from school would help Kaleb have better days at school and, in turn, better days at home.

A huge THANK YOU to anyone who can help us raise money for a vehicle. Just know that you are making the world a little brighter for one little family. Funds are needed before August 2016.


Paula Thompson
Bells, TN

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