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Lets help Pam kick cancers ass

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Well this is a very hard thing to do.

 My name is Terry Chiappetta and my dear friend Pam Sudlow has stage 4 colon cancer, she has been fighting for 2 years now with 3 months of chemo every two weeks for 5 hour and then has a chemo pump for another two days, she has had a 1 month break inbetween the 3 month stents.  
She was told about a month ago no more  IV chemo the cancer had spred to her lungs and the tumors are getting bigger. She will be taking chemopills starting in about one week, they are so new the manufacturer has to ship them directly to her home, and there is a large cost involved with these new drugs, approximately, $6,000  a month. All funds will be used to help her continue her fight against this aweful disease. Any help as soon as possible would be greatly apprieciated . Pam is a wonderful person and always goes out of her way to help others on a daily basis. She recently had to stop working because of the toll the cancer has put on her.

Donations (5)

  • Steve Montreuil
    • $250 
    • 7 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Terry Chiappetta
Albuquerque, NM
Pam Sudlow

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