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Help Fatimas family

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My name is Rachel and I'm hoping to try and raise money to help Fatima's 3 children and husband.  
They have been left without mother and a wife after this tragic and barbaric hit and run.
Being a mother of 2 young children myself, this broke my heart and i want to help in a any way possible.

As many of you already know, local mother of 3, Fatima Dorado Para, was killed in a recent hit and run in San Pedro Alcantara, Marbella.
I am starting this go fund me to help the devastated family that has been left behind, 3 young children, the youngest only 12 months old, and now the father is left alone to support them. The two older children i believe are living with their grandparents in Bolivia, never to see their mother again.
I never really read the news but when i heard of this i felt sick to my stomach, i felt compelled to help, even if its just a small gesture. I spoke to the local newspaper "the olive press" and they are going to help me spread the word and get in contact with Fatima's husband.

Details of the fatal hit and run can be read on the following links



  • hughie holgate
    • 550 €
    • 8 años


Rachel Sutcliffe-Kenneally
Estepona, AN

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