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240km coast to coast cycle - #24forALICE

We are Nelly and John and we are cycling the coast to coast route from Seascale in Cumbria to Scarborough in North Yorkshire in September. The route is 240kms which we intend to ride over just two days, this is way beyond our present capabilities! We will provide updates of our preparation progress on YouTube:

You can also follow us on Instagram  -

Do you want to join us in making a difference? We are raising money in aid of ALICE RUGGLES TRUST, the #24forALICE campaign and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this really important cause.

The Alice Ruggles Trust

Alice Ruggles was murdered in 2016, aged just 24, by an ex-boyfriend following a relentless campaign of stalking. Alice might have survived back in 2016 if she had known more about the dangers of coercive control and stalking and gone to the police sooner.

We don't want what happened to Alice to keep happening to others. That's why it's so important our Trust continues to spread its message as widely as possible, especially among young people, as well as among the police and other professionals. We're in this for the long haul, but we will bring stalking to an end.


John Ross

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