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Fighting For Zalayia Jenkins

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As a Mother, you never think that you would lose your child before you go. Za'Layia was a very beautiful girl who was full of life. As my oldest child Lay-Lay was my everything. Not only was she helpful with her younger siblings, but she taught me how to love, she helped me breathe, showed me purpose in living. Since May, 5,2016 my life has drastically changed. I dont know how to think, feel, or sleep, its like I'm not really here. Za'Layia passed away May 16, 2016 To A Gun Shot Wound To the Head, a day before her 10th birthday. What am I suppose to do without her? I'm stuck in a nightmare and i just can't seem to wake up. My heart does not beat the same, and i can't seem to  catch my breath. I'm asking that our  community come together, one-by-one, neighborhood-by- neighborhood and address the gun violence that is destroying our communities. Children are being killed, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, etc. are dying and ALL of these LIVES MATTER. Please help our family, pray and help make our community a safe place again by advocating for a safe Milwaukee... Please do WHATEVER you can.

Thank you,
The Mother of Za'Layia Jenkins


  • Anónimo
    • 25 $
    • 7 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Laylay Jenkins
Milwaukee, WI
Destiny Boone

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