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Fighting Like a Tiger

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Fighting Like a Tiger-Headed for First Trip to Houston.

We know how much Heather, Terry and Trace Jones mean to each of us. They are the type of people who always do for others.  

Well, now it's time for us to do a little something for them.  

Terry and Heather are headed for their first trip of many next week to MD Anderson to see what treatments are the next step for Terry in his fight with cancer.  

These three are family to each of us and we have all offered many times to help.

Now you can!

Let's help offset their cost of travel, lodging and expenses.

If you are in Greenwood or other locations in the Upstate or know someone who would like to help but prefer a check donation,  you are also welcome to drop or mail a check made out to "Jones Family MD Anderson Fund"
PO Box 3129
Greenwood SC 29648

We are all so blessed to know and love these three. 

Let's show this cancer how Tigers fight!!



  • Mike McGraw
    • 90 $
    • 7 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Shelley Owens Usher
Greenwood, SC
Terry and Heather Jones

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