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#onelessorphan~ Adopting Marshall

Doação protegida

Please help support our 100-mile bike trek to raise money for Marshall.  We 'met' Marshall through our adoption agency and are raising money to adopt him.  He is in foster care in China and we want to bring him home.  Having been through the adoption process once before, we know what some of these children go through and how badly they need and want our help.  We hope to get Marshall this fall and we appreciate any help you can give. 

To raise awareness, our family will be riding a combined 100 miles to raise funds for Marshall.  We will begin in June and finish by early July.  Every member of our family will be putting on miles for Marshall!  We aspire to exhibit "pure religion" by "visit[ing] the fatherless... in their affliction" (James 1:27).
Please pray for us!


  • Anônimo
    • $23 
    • 8 yrs
  • Dr. Rajendran
    • $1,000 (doação off-line)
    • 8 yrs
  • SR
    • $2,000 (doação off-line)
    • 8 yrs
  • SR
    • $3,000 (doação off-line)
    • 8 yrs
  • Anônimo
    • $5,000 (doação off-line)
    • 8 yrs


Christina Burkhardt
Village of Akron, NY

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