Level Up LA
Thank you for visiting our Go Fund Me page for the 2021-22 School Year Level UP LA - Coliseum Street Elementary and Maple Primary Center campaign.
If you'd like to donate funds directly to our campaign please hit the DONATE button above.
Here's our story:
Level Up LA's mission is to strengthen under-resourced Los Angeles communities by providing support that helps Level UP the primary school educational experience.
A year ago 10 teenagers took on this task and partnered with Coliseum Street Elementary School which has 225 students sprinkled within 10 classes - PreK thru 5th grade including Special Ed classes. Because our generous donors, our Team 1 was able to raise 95% of our target goal of $50,000. To date, our team has grown to 60+ students, we have set a new goal of $80,000 and hope to raise 100% of our goal this year! We will continue helping Coliseum Street Elementary, but we have also partnered with a new school, Maple Primary Center.
Any amount helps us bring these resources to both of these schools. If you are looking for a specific amount to contribute, here is how your donation may be spent:
$5 will sponsor pencils, erasers and any other small classroom item
$15 will sponsor a new outdoor sports equipment, like a basketball. Each student needs their own to play on the yard
$75 will sponsor a student's needs to begin a school semester with all supplies needed
$150 will sponsor a student for an entire year - online and in person
$2000 - $3500 will sponsor more STEM activities for each classroom
$5000 will sponsor new art or music supplies to implement into their curriculum
$10,000 will sponsor improving their Preschool Play Yard, new Audio Equipment for the school or Mobil Science Lab to visit the school
$15,000 will sponsor a much needed Field Trip
We humbly thank you for all your support!
Level Up LA Team
For more details about Level UP visit our Level Up LA website