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Gyros Planet Covid-19

Donativo protegido
Dear community,

During the last eight months Pablo and I have learned to survive with the minimum to maintain open our restaurant Gyros Planet and support our family. We also have had the opportunity to give and serve our community for seven months providing 110 free meals to families in need daily regardless of all the difficulties and challenges that we have had to face due to the pandemic. This pandemic has hit the restaurant in an indescribably way. The pandemic reduced our business income by 75% due to the high school, Y.O.U and districts 65 closing. With the new restrictions that will be imposed from October 30, it is almost certain that many businesses will be affected and many will be forced to close their doors permanently, to which GYROS PLANET will not be immune that is why on behalf of the family Sanchez Castro and our family business Gyros Panet ask for your support for this new challenge that is already here, and without your support we will most certainly close permanently and not being able to keep helping the Latino Community. Any donation will help our restaurant and the families that we are serving during the Holidays. Thank you for your generosity, Pablo and I carry all of you in our hearts and and prayers.

Organizador y beneficiario

Pablo Sanchez
Evanston, IL
Erika Castro

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