Jay's Medical Expenses And Recovery
As some of you already know Jay Strickland was involved in a very bad accident while in his Jeep on 9/18/19. He was airlifted to the trauma center due to the extent of his injuries. He has had 2 surgeries on his legs and is in the ICU. He does not have any medical insurance. While he is on the right road to recovery, his medical expenses have already began to pile up and he will be out of work for quite a while. He will also eventually need to purchase a new vehicle. My daughter Taylor has also taken time off from work to be by his side. While they appreciate all the support everyone has given them I am creating this to help with the financial burden this is going to cause for him. Anyone who would like or is able to help alleviate his burden of medical bills while he gets back on his feet and any other expenses that might come up while they are both out of work would be greatly appreciated. Jay is a strong man and is fighting to get better to be able to get back to work and prepare for the home he and Taylor are in the process of building. Any support, financially or emotionally is appreciated more than you all know. Thank you again.