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Carnegie Hero Needs A New Hand!!

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I was one of 18 civilians recognized with a medal by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission a fund that recognizes heroic actions in the U.S. and Canada.

It was May 26, 2018 when I was driving to an event and I approached the rail crossing at Broadway Avenue in Chilliwack. There, stuck on the tracks in a motorized wheelchair was 40-year-old Matthew Jarvis. As a train travelling at about 80 kilometres per hour approached, Myself and another woman tried to lift the wheelchair out from the path of the train. With my back to the train, full straddle across the tracks, I looked behind me at just in time. Matthew died, and the train struck my hand. I sustained shattered bones in my hand that were unable to be fixed and required surgery to close my gaping wound.

The incident has also, however, been life-changing and traumatizing for me. I now have to have three fingers on my dominant hand amputated because of the severe injury. I’ve had 15 months of therapies, treatments and 2 surgeries.
The My pinky, ring and middle fingers will have to be surgically removed so I can regain function, and Im currently looking into what type of prosthetics will work.

The unfortunate part is the prosthetic will cost me around $80,000. My husband and I do not have coverage through extended health, our benefits only cover full limbs. I’m hoping for help so I can move on from the tragic event and regain function with a new device.


  • Anonym
    • $250
    • 4 yrs


Julie Callaghan
Chilliwack, BC

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