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The Dallis Family! Jayla and Kali Dallis

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On May 17,2019, the bond and faith of the Dallis family would be tested. As Ms Daneshia Dallis prepared herself to go to work, Jayla and Kali Dallis prepared to go to the pool with their Auntie. As she departed, the children who had been taught to never say “Goodbye,” send her off to work with a meaningful “See You Later!”

Kali and Jayla played at the pool as their Auntie watched them like she has done many times before. As Jayla and her Auntie engaged in a conversation, Kali set her eyes on jumping into the pool as far as she possibly could with just her floating tube. Often referring to herself as “Super-Girl,” Kali leaps from the first step in the pool and suddenly flips over the floating tube. She fought to keep her head above water as she battled with the tube as it was holding the middle of her body above water. Shortly after Kali body would lay lifeless at the bottom of the pool. Unbeknownst to Jayla, she climbed out of the pool and looked back and did not see her younger sister. Jayla simultaneous saw Kali’s motionless body at the bottom of the pool and without hesitation jumped into the water. Jayla grabbed her sister by the hair and pulled her up so she could lift her out of the water. She immediately started to give her chest compressions. Shortly after three other heroes would come into play with Auntie,  Anthony swift, and Sergeant  Ed Loyns.
Kali was transported to the hospital in critical condition. Kali’s brain was swollen, she had fluid in her longs, and was not breathing on her own. The outcome of a child being unresponsive for what was said to have been for over 8 minutes, was not very promising. With plenty of faith, prayers, and exceptional medical treatment, Kali’s outcome would become apparent. She would be expected to fully recover.
Kali would return home, but her mother, Daneshia, would  find out that Kali would needed extended attention. Kali’s road to recovery would not mainly be physical, but mostly a mental recovery. Kali would now requires her mother’s attention and presence 24/7. Any moment of separation is followed by Kali asking a series of questions about her mothers whereabouts. Daneshia is now battling with trying to figure out how can, and when will she be able to return back to work. She works in the service industry and does not make any money unless she is at work. What is a single mother to do when her presence is a very vital part to her child’s recovery? Only time will tell how long it will take before Kali is comfortable enough to have her mother away long enough for her to be able to be the sole-provider that she has been.

Your support is greatly appreciated! Your funds will go to the extended medical expenses (therapy for weakness and possible ptsd), ensuring that Kali and Jayla have sufficient shelter, food, clothing, and transportation.


Daneshia Dallis
Atlanta, GA

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