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Brandon and Lynn Husband Family Memorial Fund

Donativo protegido
Please find it in your hearts to help and keep this family in your prayers. Tragedy struck today as Brandon and his wife Lynn had a motorcycle accident and they have suffered a great loss. Brandon has passed away and his wife Lynn is in critical condition in Wichita awaiting surgeries. Anything will help as this family will undergo unexpected expenses and doctors bills. R.I.P. Brandon and Lynn you both will be greatly missed.   
My name is Michelle Dunbar and Troy Wimer and I have organized this go fund me to help the children and their family with costs incurred from 2 funerals of their parents and any other expenses they may endure.  We are family friends and only want to help in any way we can. Troys son and the Husbands youngest daughter are dating so that’s how we are related to this cause. We are family. 

I will  be withdrawing the money as it is deposited into the account and give it to the family to pay their expenses.  

The Husbands funerals will be Friday April 26th at 10 am in Fowler, KS.  Links to their obituary has been shared on this site in updates.


Michelle Dunbar
Minneola, KS

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