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GOAL MET! Now funds for his siblings!

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My name is Staff Sergeant Andrew Wahl. I have served honorably for 8 years in the United States Army and I am currently deployed to Afghanistan. This is my second time being deployed to Afghanistan, my first was from 2007-2008. While here the first time I developed a passion for the Sagee Koochee dog breed and made it a goal of mine to some day bring one back home with me if I ever went back. Now almost 5 years since I first came to Afghanistan I have the Oportunity to rescue THOR. Thor is a young male puppy that lost his mother shortly after he was born and in a country that has no love for pets has found a safe haven with the Nowzad Dog Rescue. Working with a woman named Louise it is now my intention to rescue him and fulfill my goal. When Thor makes it to the states he will have 7 acres to call home, 2 little boys, a little girl, and another dog to play with. He will get to experience something most dogs in Afghanistan never will... FAMILY! I can not explain why it means so much to me to do this, but failure is not an option. The financial burdens are heavy, and it is a long process that involves the Thor travelling from Afghanistan to Europe and finally to the United states. There will be shots and quarentines along the way and the money raised will cover his vaccines, food, lodging, and transportation along his way. Thor needs to come home with me! He represents a beautiful part of the Afghan culture and I want my family to enjoy with me the one part of Afghanistan that always made me happy. It doesn't take much, just a dollar here or there to make my dreams come true. Thank you to all those who choose to give. No good deed goes unnoticed!



  • Anónimo
    • 100 $
    • 12 años


Andrew Wahl
Junction City, KS

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