1 percent chance
Shortly about Saha:
It is with a heavy heart that we are writing this, but unfortunately it is necessary as our family is in need of help now more than ever.
Our son/ little brother/cousin Saha was and still is a joyfull, spirited and caring 16 year old boy.
He attends his first year at high school, has a big circle of friends and family around him and played professional football for Raufoss Footbal club.
By age 16, in 2019:
-Raufoss 2 (3.division) with 15 matches and 2 goals
-Raufoss G19 with 14 matches and 4 goals
By age 14, in 2017 og 2018:
-Raufoss G16 with 17 matches and 21 goals
-Played for the Regional team and Norwegian Football federation with7 matches
-Played for U14 nation tournament in Norway
This all was turned upside down on 30.November 2019.
The accident:
On a night that was meant to celebrate the ending of the football season, ended disastrously for Saha when he and his friend decided to do a flip together and collided mid-air.
Seconds later Saha lied on the ground and was unable to move.
His big brother (1 year older) and his friends managed to stabilize him and call the ambulance. When the ambulance came, they did not get any response from his torso and legs, they called an ambulance helicopter wich took him to Oslo hospital.
Here, they confirmed that he had broken his neck and disc C4-C5 wich is located at the top of the neck. He then underwent an 8 hour long surgery where they put the discs back into place, but the damage to the spinal cord had already been done.
We were all sitting in the waiting room at the hospital when the surgeons came out and informed us that he had 1% chance of ever moving his legs again.
Our world was turned upside down.
At the hospital, Saha was 2 days in induced coma. He was fed with painkillers and they tried to stabilize his blood pressure as much as possible.
Finally when his blood pressure was stabilize enough, he then was transferred to Sunnaas rehabilitation center.
It was here his biggest and toughest battle began.
Our hopes and his mentality:
Saha has always been a fighter. He never gives up, and has always worked hard. He is absolutely a beautiful human beeing that we love so much and we are so proud of. Because of his fighting mentality we are convinced that he will be able to walk again and both we and Saha are doing anything in our power to help him achieve this goal.
When Saha first arrived at Sunnaas, he was only able to move his left shoulder one cm up and down. Nothing else. Now after 6 months we have seen his progress exceed beyond the expectations of the surgeons and doctors regarding patients with this type of spinal cord injury. This summer he will be discharged from Sunnaas after 6 months of intense rehabilitation.
Our dream and his way forward:
Due to limited treatments available in Norway, we have been searching international and found several facilities in countries such as Canada, USA, Thailand, Panama etc.
These facilities provide all different ways of treatments such as epidural stimulation, stem cells therapy and intensive/high tech training with great success rate among patiens with Spinal cord injury.
This have given them control and feeling back over muscles they previously did not have any control over.
Treatment decisions:
Based on information gathered and several consultations with doctors and specialist have we decided to do the Epidural stimulation operation and stem cell treatment in Bangkok, thailand.
This may give him the chance to stand and even perhaps take his first steps.
The hospital/rehabilitation clinic is known worldwide and this treatments is the newest within spinal cord injuries and giving hope to the patients.
The hospital is owned by Verita Neuro Pte. Ltd. and is powered by Verita Health care group.( https://epiduralstimulationnow.com/)
The whole family are behind Saha and we are doing everything in our power to help him achieve his goal.
We are also aware that this treatment is not the final treatment for him and that he will be needing more in order to ever walk again.
The treatment, surgery and facilitated training at the clinic in Bangkok are scoped out for Saha to cost a total of 4.2million NOK ($ 420 000).
We as a family have already been able to afford around 2,2 million NOK ($220 000), for this purpose.
Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to thank any of our friends who are willing to help us. Every little thing matters.
All of the amount assembled will be put in a fund and will only be used to pay for and provide Saha with treatments that can help him take his first steps again and hopefully be able to one day walk again.
Our sincere gratitude to everyone who will and could help us achieve this.
We would also like to point out the importance of shared this between your friends and teammates as well.
It is important that we reach out to as many as possible.
Together we can make a difference.
If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact us at any given time.