Brenna Moore is fundraising

Help On Q Chorus Compete at IC&C 2024!
On Q Chorus will be traveling to Louisville, KY, in 2024 to compete in Harmony Inc.'s International Convention & Contests (IC&C)!
This will be the first time our chorus has competed at IC&C since 2014, and we need your help to get there! Please consider making a donation - in any amount - that will help offset travel costs for this event. Help us bring the joy and passion of On Q from Albuquerque to Louisville!
On Q thanks you in advance for your thoughtful contribution to our chorus, which means so much to all of us.
About On Q Chorus: On Q is a women's chorus in Albuquerque, New Mexico, specializing in the barbershop style of a cappella music. Our vision is to strengthen the voices of women in our community. We strive to empower our members, inspire sisterhood, and promote leadership and excellence through education, outreach, and the joy of harmony.
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22 supporters