LaDell Beamon is fundraising

Help Heal the Hood Rebuild After Flood
Heal the Hood Foundation of Memphis is a not-for-profit organization that uses the arts and media science to enact change in Memphis and surrounding areas that are heavily populated by youth crime and violence. Our current location is in the Hickory Ridge Mall, which is located in one of the poorest zip codes in the city of Memphis. We run extensive arts programs which include the Evolution School of the Arts, Legacy Arts Summer Camp, and the Phases Mentoring Program.
Two weeks ago, during our next-to-last day of camp, a storm arose outside that literally flooded our entire space while the children were gathering. This ruined our entire facility. We are in the process of relocating our After School Program to another spot in the mall, but the company that installed the roof has to decide which contractor is responsible for the damage.
We lost our comic books that are loaded in superhero vending machines to help engage children to read that are free of charge, instruments, games, merchandise, flooring, studio equipment and most of all a space that our children depend on us
to have a place to go after school. The parents and the children can't afford a program in the area due to lack of resources. We are 1/4 of a mile away from our adopted schools which makes us the first line of defense for children that need a safe place, snacks, and a place that gives them hope and determination.
We need your help. The damage is $30,000.00. We are targeting to start August 26th and the children need us. Can you please help us to help them?
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27 supporters