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Help Me Foster 3 Orphan Kittens

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Anyone who knows me knows that I have rescued 2 parakeets, an evening bat, and recently 3 adorable kittens.  I have a passion to help people and animals who are in need.  I have always been one to put others before myself, hence why I am asking for assistance in fostering these wonderful kittens.

I am in need of donations for 3 orphaned kittens; siblings Coco, Chanel, and Choco (My little Taco).  I found these 2 female kittens and one male kitten out in my backyard cold, wet from the rain, and starving in below 40-degree weather October 8th.  Born to a feral mother who was also seen taking care of her kittens but didn’t return after moving 2 kittens out of her litter of 5.  I waited a day, by setting up a warm box out in my backyard for the left behind kittens, in case of her return.  Unfortunately, I had to take the three kittens in because mama cat never returned for her three kittens. 

Due to the kittens being so young & currently weaning off of Kitten Milk Replacer, these little kittens currently aren’t the appropriate age for being set up in a rescue center due to the lack of available space, nursing cat moms, and fosters who could tend to them.  I was referred to nearby shelters and animal control facilities, but the little ones are at risk of being euthanized or another animal(s) could be euthanized to make room to take in the kittens.  Euthanizing my kitten babies or euthanizing another animal is totally not my goal, I am AGAINST it. 

I am currently on maternity leave which means I am unemployed with just enough to care for myself and my unborn child.  Who knew that I would end up fostering 3 kittens while on this maternity leave.  I have posted on cat forums, my social media platforms, called and emailed several rescue groups and no-kill shelters, but to no avail have I found anyone or organization able to take these little angels in until being adopted.

I am stepping up to ensure these little angels have a chance to live a thriving life into their old cat years in a FOREVER home.  While being unemployed, it has been a struggle to ensure that these little ones are fed and well taken care of.  I have been able to do the bare minimum in aiding in their care and would hope anyone with a big heart like myself could pitch in, whether by sharing this GoFundMe link and/or providing a generous donation.

The 3 kittens are in need of the following:

Mandatory Kitten Vaccinations – Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Caliciviral, & Panleukopenia Vaccinations (FVRCP)

Veterinarian Examinations – To for any possible illnesses

Rabies Vaccinations – Once at appropriate age

Dewormer – Protects kittens from common internal parasites

Fecal Testing – To ensure there are no internal parasites

Spay & Neuter


Grooming/Claw Trim

Food Supplies – Kitten Milk Replacer, Wet Canned Food, High-Calorie Supplements, Probiotics, Pedialyte and Treats

Kitten Safe Litter

Water Wipes

Puppy Pads

Fragrance-Free Dish Soap

Kitten Beds or Playpen, Blankets, and Snuggle Kitty – Unfortunately, I am housing the little ones in a towel decked box

Kitten Kennel - Vet visits and adoption events

Preparation for healthy adoption screening(s) for FOREVER HOMES


Z'hara Majors
Dallas, TX

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