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A mother’s struggle to walk

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For as long as I can remember my mom has been in pain when she walks. For 12 years, every step she takes is painful. There is hope for her to be pain free with the ExoSym Brace. I am making this page to help her offset the cost (insurance will cover only a small portion and the only place that makes this brace is in Gig Harbor, Washington).

My mom has had 9 ankle surgeries over the past 12 years, here is her story:

“When I was pregnant with my daughter I developed severe asthma. For the next 10-15 years I was in and out of the hospital on high doses of prednisone and solu-medrol for my asthma. These meds were keeping my lungs open, however, unbeknown to me, they were killing the bones in my left ankle. After constant pain in my ankle I was finally diagnosed in 2004 with avascular necrosis of the talus (or dead bones).
(Mom at my homecoming wheelchair, cast, pain and all)

“The first surgery they drilled holes in my bones in the hope that my body would fix itself...well that didn't happen. I was then sent to Philadelphia and they took bone out of my shin and made a paste from it and put it in my ankle again, in hope that it would regenerate and grow. Well, that didn't work either. So they made me wear a bone growth stimulator for 12 hours a day, yup you guessed it...that didn't work either....all the while I'm still in constant pain.

“Then in 2006 I had an ankle transplant.  They transplanted someone else's talus into my ankle. They also took bone out of my hip and put it in my ankle to help hold it all together.......(now my hip hurts too...) I was total non-weight bearing for three months and on crutches from January till November of that year.  That worked for a little while but then it began to crumble inside me...talk about excruciating pain! They did more surgery to get me by until I could have an ankle replacement. “In 2009 I had my replacement in Maryland. And here we go ago again....three months totally non-weight bearing. After each surgery I was so hopeful that I would be pain free....and it never happened.  To make a long story short, I’ve had a total of 9 ankle surgeries. The pain is so bad some days, I've actually asked the doc to amputate it. I would be better off with no left foot then to live with all this pain. (He’s not ready to do that yet.)
(my Mom's x-ray after so many surgeries)

“The only solution is the ExoSym Brace and my insurance will only cover a small portion of this. I contacted my local Hanger Clinic anyway and was evaluated for it on September 9th. I recently received an email from Ryan Blanck, the designer of the ExoSym Brace, saying I was a good candidate. The email actually brought tears to my eyes...just the thought of walking pain free...I cannot imagine! I am so ready to put away the crutches, cane, walker and wheelchair for a pain free life.

“I will do everything in my power to come up with the money but there is no way I will be able to raise the money without your help. There are no words strong enough for me to express my appreciation for your donation!”

There's hope for my mom to walk pain free, but we need, need, need your support.
(fluid draining after my Mom's ankle replacment)

Below is a link where you can read more about the ExoSym brace:
Hanger Clinic ExoSym brace


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Heather Oister
Reading, PA

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