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I HAVE SUFFERED A SERIES OF THE MOST EGREGIOUS, DESTRUCTIVE AND DEVASTATING ID-THEFTS, FINANCIAL, CREDIT, TELEPHONE AND REAL ESTATE FRAUDS, AND OTHER RELATED CRIMES & WRONG-DOINGS, that have cost me my Film-Research Archives, Journals, Histories, Artifacts, Memorabilia, Films/Home Movies/Videos, Photo-Files, Collectibles, Virtually ALL Personal Assets, along-with my entire Family Estate, consisting of Mementos, Antiques, Personal Property, Family-Histories, Original Birth/Death Records, Libraries, Family Photos, MY FATHER\'S URN/ASHES, all other tangible items, in total, spanning over THREE GENERATIONS -- YES, OF ALL OF THE FORMER, HEREIN DESCRIBED... EVERYTHING WAS LOST [MORE CORRECTLY, STOLEN!]... INCLUDING MY HOME.

These losses were sustained at the hands of both Foreign & Domestic TERRORISTS, CRIMINALS, MONEY LAUNDERERS & SHAMELESS, GREEDY OPPORTUNISTS who have stripped me of virtually EVERYTHING I\'ve ever held near and dear in this Life & World. Past efforts have been made to bring some of these [discovered & now-known] SCUM to justice, but having been depleted of virtually ALL resources, and with being \'busted\' by all of this to the lowest level of existence - JUST BARELY ABOVE BASIC, DAILY SURVIVAL NEEDS - the possibility of a means to effectively fight-back has not been within reasonable reach for me in recent times... UNTIL, PERHAPS, NOW... THROUGH THIS SITE/POST, AND YOUR GENEROUS ASSISTANCE.

When I first [accidentally] discovered the \"WWW.GoFundMe.Com\" site in late March of this year through a \'call-in\' exchange with \"LEO LAPORTE\" on his \"THE TECH-GUY\" Syndicated Radio/Web-Cast Show* (more about that shortly, below), and set out to develop & set-up this fund to try and get some \'time-value\' assistance with my \'plight\', I was bound-and-determined to write a very detailed \'memoir\' explaining exactly what has transpired over the span of time culminating, finally, in my \'arrival\'... HERE. I guess, on some level, I was also planning to use this venue as a means to communicate the pain, suffering and agony endured through all of this, and to be provided with a \'forum\' through-which I could relieve some of that pain by, basically - and almost literally - writing some of it \'out-of-my-system\'.

But the task has proven to be extremely daunting, emotionally/physically draining and far-more exhausting than I had ever, originally, imagined, and I now realize that it has also severely delayed my getting this page \'up-and-running\', which is the most important thing at the moment, as I am facing fairly tight \'statute-of-limitation\' and other such time-constraint issues that cannot be missed, IF I\'m to be successful - even partially - in rebuilding a badly [nearly fatally] shattered life & career...

I STILL intend to tell the whole story [which many of my fans/followers - I have more recently learned through various blogs, discussion-board \'threads\' and chat-rooms - WANT TO KNOW]; but for now, I have put that on the \'back-burner\' just until I can \'kick-start\' this fund, and [hopefully] begin having some preliminary cash flowing through here, so that I can OFFICIALLY CONTRACT & RETAIN the Lawyers, Investigators and other Essential Personnel, to get them started at doing what they do best, before any more valuable time is forever lost (These firms & individuals have already been selected, contacted and are standing-by, but are unable to actually begin without the finances necessary to mount this costly litigation, and they cannot afford to take-on my case on a \'pro-bono\' or \'contingency\' basis, due to the sheer amount of hours and work that will be required to address, and, ultimately, to adjudicate these highly complicated matters).

With THIS PAGE now created & posted, and with the relief of some of that pressure, I WILL NOW be able to better concentrate on completing the job of writing and editing the document describing all the events leading up to where I have - unfortunately - found myself, IN THE HERE-AND-NOW... And, I will be posting it below, at this site, fairly shortly. So kindly check back often for THAT, and other, future up-dates.

But, until then, and in the meantime, I am asking for your kind assistance. Anything - ANY AMOUNT AT ALL - will help and be deeply appreciated, however, if you happen to be someone of better-than-average means, and/or with the ability and resources to be able to afford something along the lines of [in my opinion, those grossly over-priced/over-rated] \"Violent Torpedo of Truth\" tickets, similar, OR MORE, I would like to [humbly] ask you to reconsider and donate to THIS FUND instead -- I sincerely promise and can assure you that the money will be going to a much better, NON-ADDICTED, NON-SELF-INDULGENT, NON-SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, far more-useful, worthy, appreciated, much longer-lasting, AND \"WINNING\" CAUSE, HERE... NO \'TIGER BLOOD\' NECESSARY, JUST GENEROUS AMOUNTS OF \'BLOODY GOOD-WILL\', THAT SHALL BE RETURNED-IN-KIND FOR YOUR WILLING GENEROSITY AND SUPPORT!!

While I\'ve [quite sadly] had to accept the fact that many ORIGINAL artifacts and histories may have been destroyed and/or lost forever due to these travesties & gross, bad-deed \'insults\' committed against me (also, by extension, against my friends, fans, followers and well-wishers, who have stood behind me &  benefited over the years through my good works and desire to serve) and can never, EVER, be adequately \'replaced\', due to their unique, historical & one-of-a-kind nature, I CAN - AGAIN, WITH YOUR GENEROUS HELP - rebuild these Archives to something [at least] approaching their \'former-glory\'. And as long as I continue to live and breathe, the items lost [that cannot be directly, PHYSICALLY, replaced] will continue to \'live-on\' through the stories and histories \'custodially-maintained\' and \'perpetually-secured\', WITHIN ME!

So, this Fund then, will be considered a multi-tiered one: First, foremost, and MORE URGENTLY & IMMEDIATELY, as a LEGAL FUND to pursue justice/damages/retribution against all WRONG-DOERS/CRIMINALS [involved & known], by preserving rapidly-waning statues. And, Second, as an ARCHIVE RESTORATION FUND, to begin the long, arduous process of trying to recreate/bring all of these histories back to at least some, reasonably satisfactory level [within available abilities], so I can continue my work, in the present, of entertaining, informing, teaching and volunteering whenever and wherever my presence, talents & services are welcome, and, eventually, of re-building a legacy to pass on to future generations, so these histories can be enjoyed - BY ONE AND ALL - FOR \'ALL TIME\'...

Any \'overages\' donated beyond the minimum-required, 100% amount posted, to get things back \'close\' to where they were prior, will be directed to additional acquisitions/enhancements to hopefully make the Archive even bigger and better than it was before, and toward the even more-improved restoring of my abilities to go back to some of the lecturing, teaching, volunteer & charity work I was able to do previously. And, it also will be used as assistance-for/donations-to some of the selfless, generous individuals & institutions in my local community [both secularly & religiously/spiritually-based] that were - quite thankfully - able to assist SOME (within the limitations of this STILL-BAD economic climate) with my survival, but STILL helping me, IMMENSELY, to keep some level of human dignity, and allowing me to remain a viable, productive & valuable member of this community.

I\'m, currently, also deeply & emotionally \'invested\' with trying to re-kindle my career that was so severely damaged, and needlessly, wastefully, side-tracked by the above-described, unfortunate events and associated losses of time. So, may I please direct you to, and ask you to support, my \"You Tube\" Channel: BillBlakeSPFX; there you will find my official Bio, and more information about me and some of my past \'exploits\'. I will also be getting \'verification\' & linking this post with my new \"Facebook\" page: as soon as possible. Additionally, I\'d like to call your attention to my \"GENERAL INTRODUCTION:\", and \"FOR THOSE LESS FAMILIAR - FIRST, A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT ME:\" sections, directly below this, \"MY MAIN STATEMENT CONCERNING THIS FUND...\" one.

I want to emphatically state here that while composing this fund-text and putting this page together, I first considered placing the fund under the categories of \"Accidents & Personal Crisis\" (after-all, there WAS a strong \'Personal Crisis\'-contingent involved from the \'ambush\'-crimes committed against me & subsequent losses suffered); \"Other & Miscellaneous\" (for lack of a better category, because of the \'Miscellaneous\', eclectic & far-reaching, sometimes hard-to-classify aspects of all this); or even, \"Medical, Illness & Healing\" (because of the physically/mentally-debilitating \'Medical\' concerns created through the severe stresses endured, and considerations of the need for [eventual] \'Healing\' at some future point)... But, in the end, I finally decided on \"CREATIVE PROJECTS: ART, MUSIC, FILM\". I did this for A VERY GOOD & POSITIVE, PERSONAL-REASON: YES, there were a great many NEGATIVE ASPECTS & EVENTS that brought me here to seek your help, but, at the same time, NO, I DO NOT wish to \'CLAIM THOSE DESTRUCTIVE ASPECTS\' as \'MY OWN\', because I DID NOT BRING-FORTH, NOR DID I DO ANYTHING TO FURTHER-PROMOTE, THOSE SCANDALOUS ACTIONS & DEEDS IN THIS WHOLE, DESPICABLE AFFAIR...

I AM, first and foremost, AN ARTIST... an Artist CREATES; he DOES NOT destroy. Nor does he promote, condone, support, OR KNOWINGLY ALLOW wanton-destruction by the HARDENED, COLD, CALLOUS, HEARTLESS, HOLLOW, SOUL-LESS, EMPATHICALLY-DEVOID & SPIRITUALLY-BANKRUPT of This World. Were I to CONTINUE concentrating-on those destructive-attacks leveled against me, and the resulting chaos they\'ve caused to [TEMPORARILY] \'intrude-into\' my life, in a NEGATIVE FASHION, NOW [there-by, by default, succumbing-to them], instead of channeling my energy & efforts MORE POSITIVELY toward working-at formulating the means to TRIUMPH OVER THEM, then I would be letting the \'bad-guys\' and \'the evil-forces\' ultimately win, AND I\'LL BE DAMNED IF I\'M GOING TO ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN AT THIS POINT... NO... ABSOLUTELY NOT! NOW IS THE TIME TO START RE-BUILDING...

So my aim here is - PRIMARILY, AND WITH YOUR HELP - to use the proceeds from THIS FUND as a means of RE-CREATING [in SEVERAL, DIFFERENT WAYS] what was lost, and perhaps making things even better (in some respects, anyway) than they were before... And in \'my book\', that all comes under the heading of \"CREATIVE PROJECTS...\"!!

In conclusion, I would like to extend VERY SPECIAL THANKS to LEO LAPORTE, for having me on his show ( Show #755, Released, 03/28/2011, available, FOR FREE, on \"iTunes\" - My segment comes-in at \"47:45\" on the time-line scale in the Player-Skin), for cheerfully answering all my questions, turning my call into a fun, informative, energetic & dynamic, VERY POSITIVE, OVER 10-MINUTE \'Interview-Segment\', for promoting my work, \"You Tube\" Channel & everything else I do, AND, *FOR PROVIDING ME WITH THE BROADCAST/SHOW-NOTES, THAT DAY, THROUGH-WHICH I FIRST DISCOVERED THIS MOST-VALUABLE, AND POTENTIALLY, LIFE-ALTERING SITE - THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE, LEO - FOR ALL OF US OUT HERE - AND BLESS YOU!!

Additionally, special thanks go out to PASTOR RANDALL & LOIS ROBINSON, BILL & SANDRA SADLER AND FAMILY, JERRY & CHERYL, FELIX & BARRIE, plus, all the wonderful & gracious members of \"THE DESERT LIGHTHOUSE COMMUNITY CHURCH\"/\"STUDIO JC MUSIC-MINISTRY\" (Phelan, California), without whose generous assistance & fellowship, I may not have been in a position to even be able to be here now, posting this fund...

I\'d also like to extend warm thanks and much appreciation to SUZANNE G. AND FAMILY (of Phelan), for giving me the \'benefit-of-the-doubt\', believing in & working-with me, offering moral support, and providing so much more in terms of the recent assistance that has helped me to survive with a much better quality of life than would have otherwise been possible, there-by allowing me to carry-on with my efforts to fight my way back from all the past tragedy encountered & endured...

And last, but not least... To THE MANY OTHER FRIENDS, ASSOCIATES, FANS & SUPPORTERS [too numerous to mention here], whose long-time camaraderie, appreciation, understanding and \'extended-family\' status has given me additional strength and perseverance to overcome all obstacles placed against me... AND, IN THE END... TO [HOPEFULLY] PREVAIL!!



Many of you visiting this Page-Site already know of me and my work - in fact, it\'s very likely the reason that some-of you are here, reading this now... Numerous others of you have seen, been enriched, educated and entertained-by, a multitude of my \'artistic creations\' and other, unique efforts & projects over these past FOUR-PLUS DECADES, although you may not have even been aware [at the time] that they were either entirely mine, or that I had some high-level of involvement in their creation & execution... For the former-mentioned, THANK YOU ALL for your extreme loyalty and the years of continued support. And, for those latter-described individuals, well... please allow me to further [and most-humbly], introduce myself...


Hello, I\'m BILL BLAKE, an Actor, SPFX Makeup Artist and Special Effects Technician/Engineer/Artist. I was Mentored and trained by the legendary JOHN CHAMBERS of ORIGINAL \"Planet of the Apes\" fame and the [1969] special Academy Award recipient for same. I have worked, since 1968, in these, above, various capacities [and more] in the Film, TV and Live Entertainment Industries, and garnered [thus-far] over 130 career credits. I\'m best-known and remembered for my involvement with Arthur P. Jacobs\'/20th Century-Fox\'s \"Planet of the Apes\" franchise (of both an Acting and Technical nature), and my work on, and numerous promotions-for, the Saul David/MGM production of \"Logan\'s Run\". I\'ve also taught, lectured and done master-classes for a number of high schools, colleges, universities and film organizations, including \"Merced College\", \"Riverside Community College\" (for, and under the auspices of, \"The Inland Empire Film Commission\"/\"I.E. Economic Partnership\") and \"The Washington (D.C.) Society of Cinematographers\". Additionally, I have made a number of guest-appearances at Sci-Fi, Comic Book and Media Conventions, and Custom Car Shows, all across the Continental U.S.A., Hawaii & Canada over the years, have been interviewed-for, and appeared-in, countless books, newspaper & magazine articles, and have become known to my fans and followers everywhere, affectionately, as \"The Man Who IS The Planet Of The Apes\", for my close affiliation-with/work-in the franchise, and my extensive knowledge of the associated histories and lore there-of...

But, far-beyond the actual, \'aggrandizing\' & resume\'-enhancing qualities of the credits themselves, I\'ve always worked toward doing my very best - within my personal skill-levels & abilities - to bring the absolute, highest-quality to any and all projects I\'ve ever taken-on, so as to provide the ultimate, most-positive and fulfilling experiences for those discriminating audiences & individuals all over the world, who, LIKE YOURSELF, are the consumer-patrons of the Arts, Entertainment and other such Creative Ventures [and Venues] that people, such as myself, endeavor - often with great effort & personal sacrifice, on virtually a daily basis - to bring to the General Public.

I\'ve also been fortunate-enough to have been able to use my level of \'celebrity\' (albeit rather modest) achieved through having become known to fans for my various works, to help many charities, and other-such worthy causes over the years... These have included: Fund-raisers for the \"Indian Actors Workshop\" (spear-headed by Jay Silverheels [\"Tonto\"] of \"The Lone Ranger\"), Personal Appearances/Benefits for the \"Special Olympics\", \"Screen Actors Guild\" & \"20th Century-Fox\" Family Picnics, and, not-the-least-of-which, numerous, unsolicited [intentionally \'unsung\'*] visits to sick and debilitated children in \"Shriners Hospitals\" (for \"Shriners International\") all across the Country, during my \"Planet of the Apes\" live tours & shows for 20th Century-Fox. Participating in these kinds of functions and events have also afforded me the rare, very special, opportunity & privilege to work with some of Hollywood\'s Greats who gave of their time & resources selflessly, and believed along similar lines as I did - and STILL DO; among these were: The afore-mentioned \'Mr. Silverheels\', Iron Eyes Cody, Glen Ford, Richard Dawson, Hal Baylor, Beverly Garland, Dennis Weaver, Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, James Brolin, Lee Meriwether, Regis Philbin, Yvonne Craig, Ed Begley Jr., Lou Ferrigno, Susan Strasberg, and many, many more, too numerous to mention in this introduction.  

(*Also, as a side-note here, concerning the \"Shriners\" and other children\'s hospitals/treatment centers/additional venues mentioned -- Most of you have never heard anything about the various charities and special-events I\'ve worked-for throughout these many years. Even some of my closer fans, friends, acquaintances and admirers might have never known about some of these appearances & visits [had I not mentioned them here, and in a couple, private sessions with close friends] for the following reasons: Unlike so many, spoiled, vapid, disingenuous, so-called \'celebrities\' and \'sports-figures\' today, my humanitarian/charitable work was NEVER, EVER intended as a means of creating ego-centric, self-serving \'photo-ops\' for career-advancement and other such selfish, shallow reasons, and, most especially, not through, and at the expense-of, the exploitation of innocent, vulnerable, sick children and their loved-ones. Rather, it was quite the contrary... I saw to it that the press was never admitted during these special, personal moments; these were reserved for the Children themselves, their Families, and, occasionally, where appropriate, for the caring Doctors and Nurses involved in treating them. The ONLY times I consented to press-coverage, was when there were PREPLANNED EVENTS, put together by administrators and heads of the organizations themselves, with the EXPRESSED-INTENT to raise additional funds for the good works they were doing, and even then, ONLY with the specific permission(s) of any-and-all Children and Families present and involved... In fact, the sole reason that I even mention it here, is for historical-interest, and because it is so far past the actual events and visits, so as to have absolutely no negative or exploitative effect what-so-ever on these wonderful and brave individuals... Given the chance now, or in the immediate future, to do this special work again, I would act in exactly the same manner in these types of situations as I did back then, and never regret it.)


William F. 'Bill' Blake
Phelan, CA

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