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Help Kris buy HEPA Air filters

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Hello as some people may know my name is Mercedes. I live with my boyfriend Kris in Southern California. 

Kris was born with several Chronic and uncureable conditions, some of which are: 
Atopic Dermatitis ( Severe and Chronic Eczema ) that covers his entire body at all times, Chronic Asthma which prevents him from breathing, Chronic Rhinitis which is the equivilent to having a constant cold, and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which causes constant joint pain and discomfort. Alongside the Anxiety and Chronic Depression that comes with having these illnesses. 

 We need air and water filters to remove most of the Allergins that are causing these problems to flare up to the point where we can't control the symptoms at all.

Although there is plenty of research on these conditions, there aren't very many efficient treatments and so there isn't really much anyone can do for him. 

It's incredibly hard to find support for Atopic Dermatitis as well as Asthma since it's usually swept under the rug by health professionals, and because they have no known cure or sustainable treatment, the most we can do in that area is participate in extensive testing and research by medical professionals and hope for some type of remedy and relief. Right now we are limited to a vicious cycle of keeping him comfortable enough to heal and keeping the strain off of these conditions. 

The only medication he can currently take that actually has an effect on his conditions is Prednisone, an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory oral steroid. Although it offers temporary relief to many of his symptoms, the long-term use of it has not only worn down his body throughout the years, but will continue to do so unless we can find another solution. 

I am his primary caretaker (although he is not necessarily incapable of taking care of himself) in his current state not only can he not get a job, but he most likely will never be able to as his skin is constantly falling apart and peeling off him, and a lot of people consider this gross and a health-hazard.
Right now, he can barely walk because of the skin on his heels and the soles of his feet are literally peeling off.
We have been in and out of Hospitals so many times that everyone knows us by name. 

I myself work a total of 40 hours a week and go to school full time as a means to try and support both of us. We are barely getting by as of now, and only doing so with the help of our (absolutely fantastic friends. But as lot of you know... there is only so much you can ask of your pals.

His mental health has taken quite the hit since moving here, after being kicked out he not only has lost all of his friends, but since he can't work or leave the house to meet new people, his depression has just become worse. 

What Kris really needs are HEPA quality airfilters and water purifiers (for the shower). 

Kris's eczema is triggered by allergins . He is unfortunately allergic to most things, many of them being airborne. He has been proven to be allergic to Chlorine, Dust mite, Pollen, and anything pet related. Although dust mites thrive off skin cells that fall onto the ground we have an almost impossible task as Kris's skin is constantly falling off and feeding these mites and we cannot afford these expensive filters. 

It would really mean so much and take a great load off both our chests if anyone could help out even the slightest. He suffers through immense amounts of pain and discomfort each day, but still manages to be the sun in my own. He helps me get through all my hard times and I would love if I could help him get through his in anyway I can. 

If anyone would like to help out in any other way, or know of any help we could find for our situation. Please send an email using Gofundme.

At this point we are unsure of where to go for help since no specialist can help Kris, and we are already doing everything we can.


Mercedes Smith
Aliso Viejo, CA

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