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Zina Strong - Funeral expenses fund

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After being diagnosed with cancer in August, it is with a heavy heart that I write that on Wednesday October 18th 2017 my sister Zina Elizabeth Campos lost her  battle with cancer.  In just 2 short months my beautiful sister lost her battle with this horrible disease. My sister fought so hard and gave all she had but in the end her body gave up and she was called home. My sister leaves behind her husband, 9 children 14 grandchildren, 1 great granddaughter and so many other people and family that loved her so much. Our family was hit hard and unexpectedly by this tragic loss, she was our super woman! We are reaching out to family friends, loved ones and everyone who wants to help in giving my sister, a mother, a daughter, our nana, and a friend, the proper funeral she deserves. Anything would be appreciated.  If you knew my sister, you knew she had the biggest heart, she never shut the doors on anyone and was already ready to stand up, for those who couldn’t. She was a strong, smart, fierce as hell, and had a heart of gold. Thank you everyone who reads this, and remembers my sister. If people carry her memories in their heart than she will never be forgotten...

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  • Cynthia Woodward
    • $100
    • 7 yrs
Je contribue


Mari N Lilly
Morgan Hill, CA

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