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Helping Grandma Kay Heal ❤️❤️❤️

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Hello all,
This is an update on mom, from her. 

Lucky for me I never got to see the white light because I would have gone to it! On March 7 2016 I was in a head on collision that changed my life forever.
I was left with a shattered pelvis, fractures in feet, shoulder blade, collarbone and ribs, and a closed head trauma. I was literally fighting for my life for ten days in Harborview Trauma Hospital.

The 17 yr old that hit me was uninsured. I now find myself physically, financially and mentally devastated. So I am asking you to PLEASE SHARE MY STORY:

After two major surgeries to reconstruct my pelvis I spent 2 months in intensive rehabilitation.
I returned home May 14, too weak to lift a quart of milk. My home had to be made handicap accessible to accommodate my wheelchair, hospital bed and bathroom equipment.

I’ve since retired the wheelchair and walker, but my symptoms still greatly impact my life.

Stabbing nerve pain in my feet, ankles and calves often keeps me awake all night. I still fatigue easily and have a hard time thinking clearly.

My Parkinson’s symptoms, tremors and weakness had previously affected only the right side of my body. SINCE THE CRASH I NOW EXPERIENCE SHAKING, CLUMSINESS & WEAKNESS ON THE LEFT SIDE of my body, not just the right. This is very frightening!

Despite the challenges I see SILVER LININGS:

 I stand in awe of my body’s ability to heal! This miracle body has built new bone, nerves and muscle to merge with 36 screws and plates throughout my shattered pelvis. My 100 yr old Auntie Audrey says, “Better not go out in an electrical storm.”

 My new sense of mortality inspires me to complete my bucket list.
I enjoy simple things, even housework.
I’ve been as helpless and dependent as an infant and still survived. I had to surrender!

 Whenever I gave up, your prayers and well wishes embraced me with feelings of being WARMLY LIFTED UP IN LOVING ARMS.
 I’ve learned the meaning of community! Friends and family have showered me with household help, shopping help, rides, cards, visits, compassion and financial donations.

THANKFULLY my daughter started this GoFundMe account. The many kind, generous donations have allowed me to pay living expenses for 6 months! People actually want to help! But I have to ASK.

Now my only income is a modest disability I receive because of Parkinson’s. Yet I fight with the part of me that says, “I don’t deserve help.” “It’s not right to ask.”

The truth? I must ask so that I can keep my home, pay bills and health insurance, and eat properly to promote healing.

Will you share my story? Please forward my GoFundMe link with a note mentioning my relationship with you. Share with friends, family, Facebook, email, texts. Let’s find out what the POWER of SOCIAL MEDIA can do!

Kay Wagner

Almost a year ago a started a go-fund me account asking for help for my father when he was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer. Sadly, today, I'm now having to ask for help for my amazing mom.
Last Monday she was in a serious head on collision. She was initially taken to Providence Hospital in Everett but was later transported to Harborview because of extensive fractures in her pelvis.  She had her 1st surgery today on the front of her pelvis and on Friday she will go in for the back side of the pelvis.
With her ongoing struggles with Parkinson's and these new injuries she has a LONG road to recovery ahead of her.
She is on disability because of her Parkinson's disease, but it is not enough to cover her expenses. She has to supplement her income with teaching yoga classes and personal training, which obviously she won't be able to do that for at least 2-3 months.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you


  • Bill Niegemann
    • $75
    • 8 yrs

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Chelsea Wagner
Mukilteo, WA
kay wagner

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