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TJ's Medical Fund

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YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - TJ and his family were victims to a fire that consumed their home in the early morning hours of Monday, September 25.  One person died and three were taken to the hospital. 

TJ's sister-n-law 49-year-old Karen Phillips who lived on the third floor of their home, when rescued by Youngstown Firefighters, did have a pulse, according to Fire Chief John O'Neill.  However, she later died at the hospital.

Natasha Keiran, Phillip's sister, Illana Keiran, their 6 year old daughter, and TJ Keiran survived and were hospitalized following the fire.

Youngstown's Fire Chief said when they arrived at the scene, they found some of the victims on the ground in the front yard. He said they had to jump from the second floor roof to escape the fire. 

Illana, TJ and Natasha's 6-year-old daughter, who made it to the second-floor roof and was caught by a pass-byer as she jumped, had already been released from the hospital.  

After getting her child and husband safely out of the house through a window, Natasha went back to attempt to reach her sister but was unable to get to her because of the fire. She then jumped out of a nearby window to escape the burning house. Natasha is now released from the hospital.

TJ remains in the hospital and suffers from smoke inhalation, 6 broken ribs and 7 crushed vertibrae relating to the fire and jump.

When fire crews arrived at the home, the entire first floor was engulfed in flames, according to Chief O'Neill.
It's believed the fire started in the living room and it appears to have been electrical in nature and that smoke alarms alerted them to the danger and helped them get out.

Officials said the home is a total loss. 

Their family dogs (2) sleeping on the first floor of their home also parished in the fire.


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    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Joelynne Scalzo-Koury
Portersville, PA
Thomas Keiran

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