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Giving for Gideon

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Meet Gideon Carbol.  After spending just minutes with him, you'll soon realize he is quite enthusiastic about telling jokes, eating uncrustable sandwiches, his brand new baby brother, and everything relating to dinosaurs. That's a pretty good resume for a three-year-old.

In December of 2018, however, his life drastically changed. After a few weeks of unspecific symptoms, he wound up taking a trip to the ER while on a visit to Tampa. After a few diagnostic tests, Gideon’s blood work came back with a white blood cell count of over 65,000. He was immediately admitted to the Children’s hospital where it was confirmed that he had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

He began the first phase of inpatient treatment right away. He initially responded well, but his hospitalization was extended to two weeks after a blood pressure complication resulted in a rapid response and trip to the pediatric intensive care unit. After his discharge, he continued outpatient treatment for about a month. His biopsy on Dec 31st confirmed he is in remission, and the family returned home to the east coast of Florida to begin treatment at Gideon’s new home hospital.

Gideon is currently in the phase of treatment known as interim maintenance which consists of a 4-5 day stay in the hospital every other week for 2 months. Once this phase is complete, he will continue treatment over the next 3-3.5 years

We are looking to help raise funds through this campaign to help cover the various expenses related to Gideon’s care including medical expenses, treatments, hospitalizations, and travel.

Want to help? Please feel free to share this cause on your Facebook timeline and/or other social media platforms. Any donation is greatly appreciated to help reach our goal for Gideon to one day hear the word “CURED!"

As always, we appreciate your continued support and generosity. Please continue to keep Gideon and his family in your thoughts and prayers as their journey continues.


  • Tom Petta
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam (2)

Kindsey Carbol
Chicago, IL
Stacey Carbol
Kristin Romeiro
Team member

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