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Sean Burns Spinal Surgery/Rehab Fund

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Our friend Sean had a horrific fall on the afternoon of March 16th 2020, leaving him with some pretty serious injuries, including a broken spine.

Sean had a freak accident and fell off a two story roof whilst filming a clip (BMX video). He fell straight to his back on a rock. At the time of the accident sean was not able to feel his pelvis.

Sean was rushed to Hospital in Austin TX where X-rays showed pieces of broken spine bone and was told he may be paralyzed from the waist down. He went in for surgery the following morning. 

Thankfully the surgery went well, Sean was told he will be able to walk again but has a long road of recovering ahead of him.

Albie Bennett writes - "Bone Dad’s procedure went well. He’ll walk again, but recovery is going to be a long, pain in the ass."

Sean will have to undergo intensive physiotherapy to walk properly again. 

Over the Past 15 or so years Sean has made a name and lasting impression on BMX; however this has come at a cost. Like many other BMXers, living week to week, pay cheque to pay cheque, Sean had no long term security and no adequate health insurance.  Sean now works part time jobs to pay bills and now wont be able to work due to this accident.

Combined with and because of the current US public health care system, Sean's medical and physiotherapy bills will be an unimaginable amount and financial burden on him and his family.

To make matters worse, at the time of Seans' accident we are at what seems to the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic. People are being extra vigilant with resources, including their money, but in these apparent desperate times Sean is in more desperate need of help. 

Sean needs our help, donate what you can, every little bit helps. Consider how many times you've seen any number of his video parts, would you pay $1 for each of those video parts? 

If you wish to send funds to Sean more directly, please send via  

All funds will be going towards Sean's medical and rehabilitation bills and expenses. 

Sean will provide updates as they come. 

Thanks for all the well wishing and a special thanks to everyone on the ground helping Sean.  We love you Sean! 

For those who don't know Sean or need to be reminded how much of a bad arse he is. He truly has done so much for BMX;


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  • Janos Veres
    • $35
    • 3 yrs
  • Oleg Efimov
    • $10
    • 3 yrs
  • a.ray lawrence
    • $100
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $80
    • 4 yrs
  • Jeremy Pettet
    • $10
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Bone Deth
Austin, TX
Sean Burns

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