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Finley Brown Needs Our Help

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On June 17, 2015, our dear friend's, AJ and Aaron Brown, got the news no parent should ever get. Their sweet, spunky daughter, Finley, was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Finley is going into surgery today, June 20th, to have her right kidney removed. Chemotherapy begins immediately before she leaves the hospital. Finley is in for a long, hard battle that no child should have to endure. Finley is a fighter so we know she will beat this, but she can use all of the love, prayers, and support we can muster to help her through. As her amazing, resilient mom says, she is "a gladiator in a tutu." A donation of any size will help Finley and her family immensely to weather this storm.
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  • Dick Miller
    • $10
    • 9 yrs
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $100 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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Organizador y beneficiario

Mike Wolff
Moraga, CA
Aaron Brown

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